Mapmakers operate in environments of subjective knowledge. Their work is influenced by politics and patrons, regional assumptions and religious beliefs, all of which jostles with the science in determining what a map looks like and what it is used for. 地图绘制者生存的环境主观色彩浓厚,他们的工作受到政治、赞助人、区域假设以及宗教信仰等因素的影响,在确定地图的面貌及用途时,这些因素与科学相互碰撞。
We wanna communicate with mapmakers in Green Map System! 我们希望和绿地图系统的地图制作者们多多交流!
For citywide projects, registered Mapmakers have the exclusive right to the production of Green Maps in the area. 对于城市范围的项目,经注册的制图人可以享有制作该区域绿地图的独占权利。
Will mapmakers have the ability to set weather that can change the terrain and interrupt gameplay for players? Is this for anywhere or in a specific location? 那么地图制作者有没有能力设定天气去改变地形并且阻碍玩家游戏进程?将会全图影响还是只有在特定区域?
All was not lost: Mapmakers named the crater "Volcan Darwin" in his honor. 历史也铭记了这一刻,从此这个湖就被命名为“达尔文火山湖”。