'Holy Mother of God!' Marco crossed himself. “圣母啊!”马尔科画着十字说道。
When I met Marco I was immediately struck by his great dress sense. 当我见到马尔科时,我被他出众的着装品位一下子惊到了。
Tropical storm Marco is pushing northward up Florida's coast. 热带风暴“马可”正沿佛罗里达海岸向北推进。
Marco Polo is said to have sailed on the Pacific on his way to Java in the thirteenth century 据说,13世纪时,马可·波罗在去爪哇岛的途中在太平洋上航行过。
Later, he brought my uncles Theodore and Marco into the business. 后来,他把我两个舅舅,西奥多和马可,拉进来一同做那盘生意。
Christopher Columbus and Marco Polo were Italian. 克里斯托弗。哥伦布和马可。波罗都意大利人。
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida gave the official Republican Party reaction to the president's speech. 佛罗里达州的马克卢比奥(MarcoRubio)参议员代表共和党对总统讲话作出正式回应。
But Angie and Marco have a certain good-natured charm, and there are some nice shots of Shanghai. 但是张慧和恭恭有某种和善的魅力,里面关于上海的一些镜头也很好看。
Have you read about the adventures of Marco polo? 你读过马可?波罗的冒险经历吗?
Colonel garret was kind enough to show us the file on you, marco. 盖瑞特上校给我们看了你的档案,马可。
Marco Polo's travelogue mentions that Kublai Khan sent envoys to Malgache. 马可波罗游记中提到忽必烈曾派使节到过马尔加什。
B: Marco. I'm not trying to persuade you. 我不是想试图说服你,不过你应该知道我们来自两个不同的国家,我妈妈借我钱并不是说她很小气,或是说她不爱我。
Marco Polo and other travellers brought back strange stories of the countries they had visited. 马可·波罗和其他旅行家带回许多关于他们游历过的国家的稀奇古怪的故事。
Marco quickly learned the language and customs of the Chinese because he traveled around and talked to many people. 马可波罗由于到处游历,并与很多人交谈,所以很快就学会了中国人的语言,适应了中国的风俗习惯。
Let's ask mark. I mean marco. 我们问马克吧。我说的是马可。
Former Italy U23 coach Marco Tardelli is in line of winning the job at Red Star belgrade. 前意大利23岁以下国家队教练马尔科。塔尔德利赢得了到贝尔格莱德执教红星的工作。
Borriello made another joke that Marco Van Basten had scored with an overhead kick, so I slapped him. 博列洛还开了另一个玩笑,他说范巴斯滕进了一个倒钩,因此我给了他一个耳光。
It is also the setting for a secret and strange battle between two people, Celia and Marco. 它也是Celia和Marco二人这场秘密而奇怪的战争的背景。
A: Hey, Marco. I could probably go back to Canada next week. 嘿,Marco.我可能下周回加拿大。
Meanwhile, Samp are reportedly tracking Juventus striker Raffaele Palladino and Torino's Azzurrini defender Marco Motta. 与此同时,据报道称,桑普还对尤文图斯前锋帕拉迪诺和都灵的意大利国脚后卫莫塔表示兴趣。
Milan have confirmed the capture of goalkeeper Marco storari from Serie A strugglers messina. 米兰确认了他们从梅西拿引进了门将马尔科斯托拉里。
Soon the young Marco became a great favorite of the Emperor and was one of his most trusted friends. 不久,年轻的马可-波罗就成了这位大帝的宠臣和一位最受信赖的朋友。
Hassan: Not at you, Marco, you are my friend. 哈桑:不,不,不,马克,你是我朋友。
Another story says Marco Polo took recipes for fruit ices from China to Europe in the13th century. 另一个传说是,马可。波罗在13世纪把水果冰的配方从中国带到了欧洲。
It is said that Marco Polo brought recipes for ice cream, pasta and pizza back from his travels. 据说,马可·波罗游历归来时带回了冰淇淋、意大利面和比萨饼的配方。
The publication of Marco Polo's travels produced a profound effect upon the European imagination. 马可-波罗游记的出版对欧洲人的想象力产生了深刻影响。
Italian International goalkeeper Marco Amelia has admitted he is dreaming of leaving Livorno for Milan. 意大利国家队门将马尔科·阿梅利亚承认他做梦都想着加入米兰。
Marco, where's that angelic smile of yours? 马可,你天使般的微笑到哪里去了?
However, Marco was lucky enough to meet another prisoner who enjoyed listening to his stories about China. 然而在狱中,马可幸运地遇到了一个喜欢听他讲中国故事的囚徒。
Marco and his father were guests at the emperor's palace. 马可和他的父亲成了皇宫里的贵客。