We all know how tempting frozen margaritas and daiquiris can be, but eliminating those sugary drinks will save you tons of calories. 我们都知道,冰镇玛格丽塔和代奇力(两种鸡尾酒名)都有多诱人,但戒除饮用这些含糖酒水会避免增加好几吨卡路里。
That fast food and the five margaritas you downed the night before burn right off and you wake up the next morning feeling fine. 吃个快餐、晚上喝的五杯玛格丽塔酒酒劲还没过,第二天醒来还感觉良好。
That night we celebrated over margaritas and Southwestern fare, each of us gazing at the faces around the table as we wondered, who would have thought the bonds of childhood could last this long? 那天晚上,我们喝着玛格丽塔酒,吃着美国西南部的佳肴来庆祝。彼此都凝望着围坐在桌子前的这些面孔,心生感慨:谁会想到孩童时的友谊可以维持这么长时间呢?
Americans may have had to enjoy Cinco de Mayo margaritas sans lime this year, but the widespread shortage of the citrus fruit may be a bit more fleeting than originally thought. 今年的五月五日节,美国人民喜爱的玛格丽特酒里可能将见不到柠檬片的身影了。但是大范围的柠檬短缺持续的时间可能不会像很多人一开始想的那么久。
I went to get us margaritas. 我去拿两杯玛格丽塔酒。
Seasonal beverages like ice cream drinks, iced coffee drinks, margaritas, tropical cocktails and smoothies are favorites on spring break or for sipping with friends on the deck. 像冰淇淋饮料、冰咖啡饮品、玛格丽特酒、热带鸡尾酒和冰沙等季节性饮料是春季休闲或是在甲板上结交朋友时候的最爱。
Whatever your take on the Rockets'chances to git'er done come playoff time, the fact is Houstonians love their margaritas. Well, there happens to be one right over there on the bar. 无论你认为火箭队闯入季后赛有多大机会,事实是休斯敦人喜欢玛格丽塔酒。
And I get to sell margaritas if I want. 如果我愿意我还可以卖玛格丽特酒。
Spanish class has kick-ass margaritas. 西班牙语课上的玛格丽塔鸡尾酒。
Can we get some chips and a pitcher of margaritas while we're deciding? They classify it as a junk food, along with greasy French fries, potato chips, and hamburgers. 在我们考虑时,可以先给我们一些洋芋片和一壶玛格丽特吗?他们把它归类为一种垃圾食物,和油腻的薯条、洋芋片以及汉堡一样。
Drink Specials on Margaritas, Tequila, and Corona! 龙舌兰酒,玛格丽塔,科罗纳啤酒!
Where I'm from, it's mostly margaritas. 我那里几乎都是玛格丽塔酒。