Europe is a continent of engineers more than marketeers. 欧洲盛产工程师,而不是市场营销师。
Open truly means keeping lines of communication between people ( programmers, users, marketeers, etc.) open, protocols open, and programming APIs open. 开放的真正含义就是开放人们(程序员、用户、销售人员等)之间的交流、开放协议和开放编程API。
Yet the following year conviction began to grow among the marketeers that the final defeat of centrally planned, communitarian government was at hand, the sense that seemed to confirm such ideas as America having won the Cold War, and the end of history. 然而,第二年越来越多的市场人士认为我们即将战胜那些采取中央计划的社会主义政权,似乎确定美国已经取得冷战的胜利,并且结束了旧的历史。
Free marketeers learned from the wave of emerging markets crises in the 1990s that there was no point in trying to provide free markets unless the institutions were already in place to cope with them. 从上世纪90年代一波又一波的新兴市场危机中,自由市场论者学到:除非自由市场对应的各项制度已经到位,否则,试图提供自由市场的努力毫无意义。
Free marketeers are up in arms at what they view as a wholesale confiscation of intellectual property. 自由市场主义者竭力反对在他们看来无异于大规模剥夺知识产权的做法。
Ignoring traditional marketeers shocked by Barbie's breasts she began an uphill battle in California to manufacture this sexy creature, so unlike cuddly baby dolls. 不顾传统消费者将会震惊于芭比丰胸的可能性,她开始顶住压力,在加州投资生产这种迥异于传统娃娃的乖巧可人而改走性感路线的芭比娃娃。
The Conservative Party is the home of both rural conservationists and free marketeers. 保守党是由农村自然资源保护论者和自由市场商人共同组成的。
But what happened before doctors turned into marketeers? 但在他们从医生变成商人之前,情况又会怎样?
We all know that page hits and heat maps are only good in the eyes of marketeers, or some usability PHD 我们都知道页面点击量和图表在供货商以及一些博士眼中的重要性