ADJ 适合结婚的;(尤指)达到适婚年龄的 If you describe someone as marriageable, you mean that they are suitable for marriage, especially that they are the right age to marry.
If the legally marriageable age is not attained. (四)未到法定婚龄的。
Three decades of strict family-planning policies have exacerbated a traditional preference for boy children and contributed to a shortage of marriageable women. 三十年来的严格的人口政策加重了传统意义上的男孩为主的思维并导致了适婚妇女的短缺。
The growth in the number of people of marriageable age together with, in general, increasing wealth has boosted sales of jewellery for traditional wedding sets and rings. 黄金的需求量继续增长:随着适龄结婚人数的增长,总体增长财富不断推动了传统婚礼珠宝和戒指的销售量。
What could he and she really know of each other, since it was his duty, as a "decent" fellow, to conceal his past from her, and hers, as a marriageable girl, to have no past to conceal? 既然作为一个“正人君子”,向她隐瞒自己的过去是他的义务,而作为已到婚龄的姑娘,她的义务却是把过去的历史向他袒露,那么,两个人又怎能真正相互了解呢?
Can you meet brilliant, marriageable men after college? 大学毕业后还有机会遇到才华横溢、值得托付终生的男人吗?
I quickly ran through the list, trying to see how marriageable I would appear in Indian society. 我很快看看这项清单,想知道自己在印度社会中是否容易成婚。
She had reached marriageable age. 这时她已经到了适婚年龄。
My son's not of marriageable age. 我的儿子还没有到结婚年龄。
When a marriageable young woman urges matrimony on an unencumbered young man the most obvious explanation of her conduct is not the altruistic impulse. 当一个正当结婚妙龄的少女,敦促毫无挂碍的青年男子结婚的时候,非常清楚谁也不会认为她的行为纯粹出自利他主义的动机。
He had respect for the married state, and thought only of some pretty marriageable girls in Indianapolis. 他尊重婚姻,心里想的只是印第安纳波利斯的那几位已到了婚龄的漂亮姑娘。
There was once a king who had three sons of marriageable age. 从前,有一个国王,他的三个儿子都到了娶妻的年龄了。
There are a couple surnamed Huang gave birth to three daughters, have gone to the marriageable age, very strict because of PTAs, three daughters who are still virgin. 有一对姓黄的夫妻生了三个女儿,转眼都到了适婚年龄,因家教甚严,三个女儿都还是处女之身。
The Women "Waiting for the Marriageable Age" in the Upper Social Class of the Han Dynasty 汉代社会上层婚姻中的待年女子
I have three marriageable daughters. 我有三个已到结婚年龄的女儿。
The right of procreation is a kind of personal right which is enjoyed by marriageable citizens to procreate or not. 生育权是已达到法定结婚年龄的公民依法享有的是否生育子女和如何生育子女的一项人格权。
Contemplation on the operating law of statutory marriageable age in our state 关于我国现行法定婚龄的法律思考
Conclusion: The semen quality of marriageable men in our industry district is in a lower level, this should arouse the attention of some special departments; 结论工业区婚龄男子精液质量较差,应当引起有关部门重视;
Her only concern is how a marriageable genteel-class woman could find a satisfactory husband. Austen delineates many kinds of love and marriage in her novels. As a woman novelist, Austen not. 她只关心一个问题:一位待嫁的中产阶级女子该如何找到一位称心如意的丈夫?奥斯丁的小说主要描写了中产阶级妇女各种类型的爱情生活和婚姻纠葛。
With house prices soaring, a large number of young people of marriageable age choose the way of mortgage before marriage and repayment for the loan in the marriage to purchase the marriage room. 随着房价的飙升,大批适婚青年选择婚前按揭、婚后还贷的方式购买婚房。
At the same time, from the perspectives as communication, psychology, sociology and so on, revealing of the reasons for marriageable young mating through dating websites, and the difficulties for development which dating websites face. 同时,从传播学、心理学、社会学等视角,由内而外揭示适婚青年通过婚恋网站进行择偶的原因及婚恋网站面临的发展困境。