All Interrupt Requests ( IRQs) issued by I/ O devices give rise to maskable interrupts. 所有由I/O设备提出的IRQ(中断请求)产生可屏蔽中断。
Maskable interrupt sources that cannot preempt the kernel code and are thus able to invoke operating system APIs from within their handlers. 不能抢占内核的掩码中断源,因此可以在处理程序中调用操作系统API。
While transferring control to the proper segment, the processor clears the IF flag, thus disabling further maskable interrupts. 当将控制转移到合适的段时,处理器清除IF标志,因此关闭将来的可屏蔽中断。
Maskable interrupt sources with the ability to preempt the kernel code and thus have a lower latency and are less subject to jitter, see Response Time and Jitter. 可以抢占内核的掩码中断源,因此拥有更短的延迟时间并且不容易受抖动,参考响应时间与抖动。
Microcomputer Analysis of Maskable Interrupt System Analysis of and Its Application 微机可屏蔽中断系统的分析及应用