We do not recommend this, however, because in so doing, a client masquerades under the identity of the application server. 可是,我们不推荐这样做,因为这样一来,客户端就充当应用程序服务器的身份。
In a ditty for the stage, W.S.Gilbert once gave warning that "Things are seldom what they seem/ Skim milk masquerades as cream." 吉尔伯特曾警告说:“如同脱脂乳看似奶油而实质不同,事物很少表里一致。”如果事物的外表在
This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring. There is another form of wilful obscurity that masquerades as aristocratic exclusiveness. 这种态度造就了一个决心投身于研究、验和探索的民族。还有一种故意造成的含糊其词,用以掩盖其贵族老爷式的孤傲态度。
Civilization is the lamb's skin in which barbarism masquerades. 文明是野蛮在羔羊皮上的化装舞会。
Or, is it for the angel of light, masquerades itself as the demon of darkness? 或者,是那光明的天使,将自己伪装成黑暗的恶魔?
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light 不用说,撒旦自己伪装成光明的天使
So many masquerades people had worn mask what is made by some material. 许多化装舞会是用的面具是用材料做的。
This one masquerades as real, moderate thought. 这一个伪装为真实的,温和的思想。
There is another form of wilful obscurity that masquerades as aristocratic exclusiveness. 还有一种故意造成的含糊其词,用以掩盖其贵族老爷式的孤傲态度。
Consider monitoring or filtering outbound DNS connections to better protect your network against certain phishing attacks and a new breed of trojans that masquerades as DHCP servers. 考虑监测或过滤出站DNS连接,以便更好地维护您的枉络,对抗某些钓鱼攻击和一种新的伪装成DHCP服务器的特洛伊木马。
What masquerades as innovation, he said, boils down to nothing more than credit secured on some asset. 他表示,装扮成创新的东西,归根结底不过是以一些资产作为担保的信贷。
This kind of bureaucratism often masquerades as "party leadership"," party directives"," party interests" and "party discipline", but actually it is designed to control people, hold them in check and oppress them. 这种官僚主义常常以“党的领导”、“党的指示”、“党的利益”、“党的纪律”的面貌出现,这是真正的管、卡、压。
Finally, there is Fox News, whose parent company has given$ 1 million to Republican causes this year but still masquerades as a legitimate source of news. 第二个来源是福克斯新闻,他的支持者今年给了共和党100万美元的赞助,但仍然装着像是一个中立的媒体。
Detecting Masquerades Based on Keystroke Dynamics of Unix Commands 基于分析Unix命令击键特征检测系统冒用
The client masquerades IP of every network session dynamically by applying IP and tracking the network session. 客户机发起新的网络会话时,通过动态申请伪装IP并跟踪网络会话来实现IP动态伪装。
Detecting Masquerades in Intrusion Detection Based on Deterministic Annealing 确定性退火算法在伪装入侵行为检测中的应用