VERB (通常指用机器)批量生产,大量生产 If someone mass-produces something, they make it in large quantities, usually by machine. This means that the product can be sold cheaply.
...the invention of machinery to mass-produce footwear. 批量制鞋机器的发明
Apparently, the couple mass-produced their thank-you notes because we received a card saying: Thank you very much for the nice wedding gift. We look forward to using it soon. 很明显,这对新人大批量制作了他们的感谢信,因为我们收到了一张卡片,上面写着:非常感谢您的漂亮的结婚礼物,我们期待着不久就用到它。
Dr Hao added: Eventually we may see many mass-produced products replaced by unique designs created by the customer. 郝博士补充说:最后,我们可能会看到用户的独特设计取代大批量生产的产品。
Even mass-produced whole wheat breads are unhealthy because they are made palatable by some evil means: the unholy trinity of sugar, salt and softening additives. 甚至是大量生产的全麦面包也不健康,为了使它们适口一些,会使用不健康的方法:新增糖类、盐份和松软剂这三个不良新增剂。
Chinese businesses focused domestically and mass-produced products for international companies. 中国企业的侧重点,主要放在国内市场,再就是为跨国公司提供大规模生产的产品。
I don't like mass-produced things, for they are made by machines and are all the same. 作者不喜欢大规模生产的东西,因为它们都是一样的,所以可以推论作者喜欢与众不同的东西。
Because the prints were mass-produced and not original works, they were not costly. 因为这些版画都是批量生产的,不是原著,所以它们并不昂贵。
The term posterization is used because it can influence your photo similar to how the colors may look in a mass-produced poster, where the print process uses a limited number of color inks. 长期色调分离使用,因为它可以影响你的照片,类似的颜色可能看起来如何在大规模生产的海报,打印过程中使用数量有限的彩色墨水。
What the new visitor needs to understand is that although the paintings and calligraphic works are usually handmade, they are mass-produced and therefore should not be very expensive. 新来的游客需要了解什么是绘画和书法作品,虽然通常手工他们是批量生产,所以不应该很贵。
Hand-made products tend to cost more than mass-produced ones, but they're often better made. 手工制品成本高于流水作业的产品,但通常制作更精良。
With remarkable speed, insulin was used to treat humans in1922 and mass-produced as a drug by1923. 1922年,胰岛素迅速用于人类治疗,1923年开始作为药品大规模生产。
The new products are being mass-produced. 这种新产品正在成批地生产。
And mass-produced the vaccine for mankind. 你会为人类大量生产疫苗。
Explores how such things as department stores, advertising, mass-produced cars, and suburbs transformed the American economy, society and politics. 并探讨像是百货公司、广告、大量生产的汽车及郊区这一类的事物如何改变美国的经济、社会和政治。
It was the first high-volume mass-produced model. 它是第一款大批量生产的车型。
'A mass-produced color screen that's cheap enough and good enough could eventually replace most black-and-white ones, he said. 他说,在价格和质量上都过硬的量产彩屏产品很可能最终取代大多数黑白屏产品。
Sometimes copies are mass-produced so quickly that they reach the stores even before the original designs. 有时仿制品批量生产的速度快到甚至会先于原设计的服装上市。
Human clinical trials are planned for this year to test it against the bird flu, but any mass-produced product is still several years away. 今年,计划进行人体临床实验,测试其对禽流感病毒的效果,但距使用该方法大规模生产产品仍有好几年的时间。
Are these hand-made or mass-produced? 它们是手工制造的还是批量生产的?
General surgeon Wijaya Godakumbura has substituted the homemade lamps with a safe, inexpensive, and easily mass-produced model. 外科医生魏加亚.高达酷巴拉以自制的安全、便宜且容易大量生产的灯瓶来代替。
A number of botanic and natural drugs, such as anti-infective berberine and anti-tumor colchicine have been mass-produced and widely used in China. 一批植物药和天然药物,如抗感染的黄连素、抗肿瘤的秋水仙碱等,已经在国内大量生产和广泛应用。
Mass-produced cars, fridges, etc. 大量生产的汽车、冰箱等。
If you didn't like the mass-produced American stuff, the other choices were imports that were often stale. 如果人们不喜欢喝那种大批量生产出的美国啤酒,那他们就只能喝进口的啤酒,但那常常是不新鲜、走味儿的。
If it's mass-produced mediocrity you want then you are in the wrong place! 如果是大规模生产的平庸你想你在错误的地方!
The Nissan Leaf and Chevrolet Volt could turn out to be the most innovative mass-produced cars in a century. 日产零排放聆风电动车和通用新型电动车雪佛兰沃特成为本世纪最具革新意义的批量车。
Artisans can provide individualized products for customers who have grown weary of mass-produced goods. §小企业可以为那些对大量生产的商品感到厌倦的顾客提供个人化的产品。
They were from a period that happens to be very rare, before programmes were mass-produced in the 1960s. 它们所处这一时期的节目单恰好是非常稀有的,大批量制作节目单是从60年代开始的。
Even as watches became mass-produced commodities, Rolex continued to emphasize craftsmanship and quality. 当手表成为批量生产的商品,劳力士继续强调质量和工艺水平。
The concept has been applied to a mass-produced mobile phone. 这个概念已经应用于一种批量生产的移动电话。
I only buy grass-fed or organic meat, and so the price can be double that of the mass-produced variety. 对于我本人而言,我只购买绿色有机肉类,所以在大多数的肉类品种中这种肉的价格要翻一番。
Articles made in this way could not be mass-produced. 这样做的东西,没法大批生产。