So because there is no friction on the pin-and because the strings are massless& only because of that must the tension be everywhere the same. 所以,由于图钉没有摩擦,且细绳没有质量-,细绳的张力,一定处处相等。
We call that a massless string. 我们叫它无质量绳。
A discovery that neutrinos, virtually massless particles, convert into other forms known as muon and tau before they leave the sun, solving a40-year-old mystery. 发现中微子(乎是无质量的粒子)离开太阳之前可转化介子,解开了一个40年的谜。
So you have three point masses, and they are connected with massless rods. 你们有个三角物体,它们由无质量棒相接。
The pulley has no mass the pulley is completely frictionless and the string has no mass& it's a massless string. 假设滑轮,完全没有质量和摩擦,而细绳也没有质量。
We mean a two-particle system with the particles held at a fixed distance from each other by a rigid massless rod of length d. 我们意指一个两粒子体系,粒子之间借助于一长度为d的刚性无质量棒而保持固定距离。
It obeys Hooke's Law, and it is also nearly massless. 它遵循胡克定律,几乎是无质量的。
Neutrinos and the hypothetical gravitons, also massless particles, move at the same speed as light. 中微子和假想的引力子也是无质量粒子,它们也以与光相同的速度运动。
They are very nearly massless and thus, even at moderate energies, we'd expect them to travel essentially at the speed of light. 它们的质量非常接近零,因此,即使在中等能量下,我们也希望它们以光速传播。
Quarks and leptons are composed of two kinds of massless spin-1/ 2 preons. 组成夸克和轻子的成份(preon)是两类无质量自旋为1/2的费米子。
We study a two-level atom in interaction with a real massless scalar quantum field in a spacetime with a reflecting boundary. 我们研究了在有边界的时空中两能级原子与无质量标量场的相互作用。
Tunneling wave function with massless scalar field 无质量标量场的贯穿波函数
In addition, the applicability of the widely used massless foundation approach to the dam-foundation interaction analysis is discussed. 此外还讨论了工程中广泛应用的无质量地基模型对于相互作用分析的适用性问题。
Regularization of Angular Infrared Divergence of Massless Theory at Finite Temperature 有限温度下无质量Ψ~3理论中角度红外发散的正规化
We study an in-out motion of this model ( one boundary is fixed, another is in motion) in massless scalar field. 讨论了无质量标量场中这种模型中的in-out问题。
We consider a massless fermion interacting with the gauge field by Pauli interaction in which the coupling constant is dimensionless. 考虑无质量费米场和规范场的Pauli相互作用项的系统,在这一理论中耦合常数为无量纲量。
Spectrum and critical coupling constant of massless thirring model 无质量Thirring模型的能谱和临界耦合常数
In this paper, we discuss the non-thermal distribution, the energy density and entropy increase of a massless particle gas in the Multi-dimensional phase of universe. 本文讨论了宇宙处于高维相时无质量标量粒子气的非热分布、能密度以及增加的熵。
The angular infrared divergences of three-loop vacuum graph in the massless scalar field φ 3 theory and the scheme of dimensional regularization for these divergences are discussed. Its analytical expression in D-dimensional space is given. 讨论了无质量标量场3理论三圈真空图中的角度红外发散以及它的维数正规化方案,并给出了它在D维空间的解析表达式。
In the seismic analysis of high concrete dams in hydraulic engineering, the traditional model of fixed boundary with massless foundation were often adapted, and the radiation damping of foundation and the inhomogeneity input of wave-motion could not be took into account. 对于水利工程中的高混凝土坝,抗震分析多采用传统的无质量地基固定边界模型,没有考虑到地基的辐射阻尼作用以及波动的不均匀输入。
By using the brick-wall model, the quantum entropy of a cylindrical black hole in Anti-de Sitter space-time arising from the massless Dirac field is discussed. 利用brick-wall方法计算了Anti-DeSitter时空内起源于Dirac场的柱黑洞的量子熵。
The values are derived in the massless scalar field which satisfies the Dirichlet boundary conditions. 这些值都是在满足Dirichlet边界条件的无质量标量场中得到。
The geometric optics is particle mechanics of massless photon, and the wave optics corresponds to wave mechanics of non-zero mass particle ( non-relativistic Schrodinger equation). 几何光学就是零质量光子的质点力学,而波动光学则对应非零质量粒子的波动力学(非相对论的Schr¨odinger方程)。
M ü ller applied this procedure to an atom interacting with a massless scalar quantum field and analyzed quantitatively the distinct contributions of vacuum fluctuations and radiation reaction to the spontaneous excitation of a uniformly accelerated atom. Müller利用此结果研究了原子与实标量场的相互作用。他们定量地分析了真空涨落和辐射反作用各自对匀加速原子自激发的贡献。
So we can derive the structure of the vacuum from the low-lying eigenmodes of overlap operator of the massless fermion. 我们可以通过研究费米子的重叠算子的低位本征模来推测真空结构。
We adopt the massless Dirac equation, combined by the infinite mass boundary condition, to investigate the Aharonov-Bohm effect in a closed graphene ring driven by magnetic flux. 采用无质量的Dirac方程,引入无穷大强制边界条件,讨论了石墨烯闭环中的Aharonov-Bohm效应。
There is the strong interaction between quarks, this interaction conducted by massless gluons. 夸克之间存在强相互作用,它们是通过无质量的胶子来完成相互作用传递的。
In the Fermi weak interaction theory and even in the electro-weak unification theory, the neutrino is looked as the massless particle. 在费米弱作用理论乃至弱电统一理论中,都是把中微子当作无静止质量的粒子来处理的。
A semi-infinite foundation and rock slope are simulated in a massless foundation model, and the sides and bottom edges of the batholith are controlled by the method of normal displacement. 半无限域地基和岩体边坡均按照无质量地基模型模拟,岩基四周和底部边界采用法向位移约束。
Due to its novel properties, such as anomalous quantum hall effect and massless dirac fermions, graphene has been widely stud-ied. 石墨烯材料因为其独特的性质,例如反常量子霍耳效应,无质量的狄拉克粒子,吸引了众多理论和实验研究。