Cars will be banned from London and all other cities across Europe under a draconian EU masterplan to cut CO2 emissions by 60 per cent over the next 40 years. 为严格执行欧盟减少二氧化碳排量的总体规划,欧盟将禁止汽车在伦敦和欧洲所有其他城市行驶。欧盟的目标是在未来40年内使碳排放量减少60%。
The loose-knit hacking movement 'Anonymous', who claimed to have used victims 'credit cards to donate to charity, said the stunt was just the beginning of their masterplan. 一个名为匿名者黑客的分散性运动组织宣称,他们用受害者的信用卡的钱捐给慈善组织,并表示这次的小花絮只是后面大计划的开始。
Israeli officials say the masterplan for mass resettlement will entail an unprecedented transfer of government land to Israeli Arabs. 以色列官方说大规模安置的总体规划将意味着前所未有的政府土地转让给以色列阿拉伯人。
The masterplan envisaged the design of a new warehouse, restaurant, function centre and office area as part of the site redevelopment. 总体规划中重点思索是对于新仓库,餐馆,活动中心和办公室的重新发展。
It masterplan Project Office 资讯科技总蓝图项目办公室
The afternoon's game almost paled into insignificance following the lengthy celebrations but the decision to allow Claude Makelele to take the stoppage time penalty with the game scoreless was definitely not part of the Mourinho masterplan. 在盛大的庆典之后今天下午暗淡无光的比赛已经无关大局,但是补时阶段由马克莱莱主罚点球打破球荒倒绝对不是穆里尼奥宏伟计划中的一部分。
There are three major component in the renovation of the Shuibei Industrial Area: Masterplan, Architectural fa ç ade renovation, and landscape design. 水贝工业区的改建主要分为三个部分:整体规划,建筑立面改造,和景观设计。
The Internet company last week tried to brush off suggestions it has some masterplan in the works, but it is clearly working hard to get wider distribution for its software. 这家互联网公司上周试图否认正在制定相关方面的总体规划,但很明显的是,它在努力拓宽自己软件的销售渠道。
The target of masterplan is doing the extension of cityscape that the'Pear-water Country '. 设计延续城市景观“梨乡水城”的总体规划目标,构筑“西园东水”的城市景观空间。
Zaha Hadid's Olympic Village Masterplan opens Hunters Point to a rapidly changing future on the East River. 扎哈哈迪德的奥运村开猎人总体规划上的一个点东河瞬息万变的未来。
The building is part of an overall masterplan by the City of Albury which integrates a number of cultural facilities on the site with a new pubic square and landscape. 这幢建筑是奥伯里城市规划的一部分,规划内容包括了在一处拥有一个新的公共广场和城市景观的地点,集成一系列的文化设施。
The settlement of cross-border trade in renminbi – stage one of the masterplan – is embryonic, accounting for less than 1 per cent of China's total international trade. 作为总体计划的第一阶段,跨境贸易人民币结算仍处于萌芽期,占中国国际贸易总额不到1%。
Yuyao Exhibition Centre and Masterplan 余姚会展中心及其总体规划
Conclusion: the optimum linear plan method is appropriate for masterplan for land utilization. 结论:最优线性规划法适用于土地利用总体规划。
Kunming Lakeside Garden Masterplan 昆明湖畔花园总体规划
Renmin University Masterplan-Zhuhai Campus 人民大学珠海分校总体规划
Lower Lea Valley regeneration and Olympic Games masterplan london, England 英国伦敦下里亚谷地重建及奥运村总体规划
The Development of Tianjin Port South Section, the Transportation of the Bulk Cargos and the Masterplan of the Industries 天津港南疆港区开发与散货物流和产业布局
The paper enquires into the applicability of the optimum linear plan method to masterplan for land utilization. 探讨最优线性规划法对土地利用总体规划的适用性。
Landscape strategy of the lower Lea Valley regeneration and Olympic masterplan, london 伦敦利亚山谷地区重建及奥林匹克运动会的景观总体规划