Zoo staff said they had pretended the Tibetan mastiff was a lion because they could not afford the real thing, local media reported. 当地媒体报道,动物园的工作人员说他们之所以用藏獒冒充狮子,是因为他们买不起真正的狮子。
Pet ownership is booming in China, and the Tibetan mastiff is the dog of the moment for those who want to spread their wealth beyond stocks and real estate. 宠物饲养在国内非常盛行,而对那些想要在股票和房地产之外挥洒财富的人来说,藏獒正对了他们的胃口。
The other names of this dog are Chinese pug, Dutch bulldog, Dutch mastiff, Mini mastiff and its country of origin is China. 巴哥犬又叫中国哈巴狗、荷兰牛头犬、荷兰獒,这种狗的原产地是中国。
Among pedigree dogs, the Tibetan Mastiff is neither the friendliest nor the most attractive, but it is currently the most prized canine in China. 在纯种狗中,藏獒既不是最友好的,也不是最漂亮的,但它却是目前中国最贵的犬。
Their hoped-for prize: breeders willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a mate for their mastiff. 他们希望得到的奖品是:狗主人愿意支付几万美元和他们的藏獒配种。
The monks probably crossed the ancient mastiff with the Great Dane and the Great Pyrenees. 那些和尚很可能带着大型猛犬穿越大山脉。
Since possession of a genetic instability, the annual domestic breeding out of a small quantity of fine Tibetan mastiff, to make every possession like once a person has it, are not willing to let go. 由于藏獒的遗传基因不稳定,所以每年国内繁育出的精品藏獒数量不多,至使每一个喜欢藏獒的人一旦得之,都是爱不释手。
Studies on Genetic Diversity and Genetic Differentiation of Two Tibetan Mastiff Populations in China 2个中国藏獒群体遗传多样性及遗传分化的研究
Health: to ensure that the sale of the young mastiff babies have already completed three doses of vaccine and2 deworming. 浙江杭州晨溪犬舍接受预定纯种幼藏獒。健康:保证所出售中的幼獒宝宝已做完三针疫苗与2次驱虫。
Last week a Tibetan mastiff was flown into Xian airport in Central China, where it received a welcome fit for an emperor. 最近,一只藏獒被空运至华中地区的西安机场,在那里受到了帝王般的迎接。
The Tibetan Mastiff is a highly intelligent, independent, strong willed and rather reserved dog. 藏獒是高度智慧,独立,意志坚强和深沉的犬。
It's a mastiff, right? 它是獒,不是吗?
This mastiff just sold me for three biscuits. 这只大狗为了三块饼干就把我给出卖了。
Effect of Different Extenders on Tibetan Mastiff Semen Preservation 不同稀释液对藏獒精液保存效果的影响
The gait of a Tibetan Mastiff is powerful, steady and balanced, yet at the same time, light-footed. 藏獒的步态是有力,稳重和平衡的,然而同时,是轻盈的。
Let us work together for the development of China's Tibetan mastiff contribute to a strength! 让我们携手为中国藏獒事业的发展贡献自己的一份力量!
Americans also are unaware that there are lavish Chinese, spending a million to buy a Tibetan Mastiff, or a fleet of Mercedes, BMW and Audi for their own travel. 美国人看来也不知道,也有不节俭的中国人,他们能花几十万,上百万买一条藏獒,并由奔驰、宝马、奥迪等几十辆名车组成的豪华车队接近家门。
A study on genetic polymorphisms of 11 canine STR loci in tibetan mastiff 藏獒犬11个STR基因座遗传多态性
The policemen couldn't catch him, so they sent a large mastiff after him. 警察根本追不上他,就放出大狗去。
Comparative Studying on Structure of Pulmonary and Pulmonary Arteries Wall of Tibetan Mastiff Living at Different Altitudes 不同海拔地区藏獒肺组织结构及肺动脉血管壁的比较研究
The Scout, which was also known as "Zahavan ( Oriole)", had a similar configuration to the Mastiff, with a pusher propeller and a twin-boom tail. “侦察兵”,也即是“Zahavan(金莺)”,具有和“猛犬”(Mastiffs)相似的配置,采用一个螺旋浆推进装置和一个双-桁梁尾部。
Pulmonary tissue adaptation to high altitude of Tibetan Mastiff 藏獒肺组织对高原低氧环境的适应特性
The Tibetan Mastiff should have impressive substance, both in bone and structure, as well as strength. 藏獒有另人惊叹的构造,无论是骨骼还是其他构成,一样的有力。
The confliction between the nature of wolf and mastiff has a close connection of the mass culture, which is actually the confrontation between the elite and the common people. 狼性与獒性之争与大众文化有着紧密的联系,它们之间的对抗实质上也是一场精英与平民的对抗。
Cultivates the porch mastiff garden located at Beijing Shunyi District Beijing on the way side. 北京雪域神峰獒园位于北京市顺义区木林镇。
Large powerful breed developed by crossing the bulldog and the mastiff. 由斗牛犬和獒犬杂交得到的大型健壮的品种。
Natilee Carter figured that she couldn't give her200-pound English mastiff a normal name. 卡特觉得她无法给她200磅的英国獒一个正常的名字。
The wolf culture and mastiff culture have caused a sensation is because the wolf culture represents the call of the powerful people while the mastiff represents the confrontation of the weak. 狼文化与獒文化引起巨大轰动的原因在于,狼文化代表了强者的呼喊,而獒文化则代表了弱者的反抗。