When it got quite tight-snap!-there would be floating matchwood where the ship had been and it could pick them out of the water one by one. 要等这个圈套收得相当紧了,啪的一下子,原来的大船就会变成一堆漂浮的碎片,它就可以在水里把他们&收拾掉。
Within minutes, communities were turned to matchwood and whole families drowned. 几分钟后社区变成了碎片,整个家园淹没了。
The thunderbolt made matchwood of the hut. 雷电把小屋击碎了。
The table had been smashed to matchwood. 这张桌子被砸得粉碎。
The wooden buildings were ripped to matchwood by the gale. chipping, of monumental or building stone, artificially coloured 木式建筑被大风吹打得支离破碎。纪念碑用或建筑用石料碎屑,人工上色
The wooden buildings were ripped to matchwood by the gale. 木式建筑被大风吹打得支离破碎。
The vessel was beaten to matchwood on the rocks. 船被岩石撞成碎木片。
Then the helicopter planted a 20 kilo bomb in among them terrific flash and the boat went all to matchwood. 后来直升飞机在他们中间扔了枚二十公斤的炸弹然后是骇人的闪光整个救生艇被炸成了碎片。