Week of matron: double growth for Matro and matriarchs. 女王周:女王产量加倍。
So last time we started discussing the historical merits of the biblical stories of the patriarchs and the matriarchs. 上次我们已经开始讨论圣经故事中,男女族长的历史功绩。
Lian villagers highly value blood linkage, as well as the connection beyond family and among trades and professions, the former is the custom left by the Zhuang matriarchs society, while the latter is the result of permeation by modern society toward the country. 除了血亲关系外,联村社会还格外看重外家与业缘关系,前者在某种意义上是壮族母系社会的遗风,后者则是现代社会人际关系向乡村社会的渗透。