She looks a bit like his cousin Maureen 她长得有点儿像他表姐莫琳。
Maureen was the epitome of sophistication 莫琳是个典型的老油条。
Most people have no real idea how to change to healthy food, and Maureen was no exception. 大多数人并不真正清楚究竟如何转而食用健康食品,莫琳也是如此。
'I shut him out of the bedroom,' says Maureen “我把他关在了卧室外面,”莫琳说。
'It's corned beef and cabbage,' said Malone. 'Yuk,' said Maureen. “这是咸牛肉配卷心菜。”马隆说。“呃,”莫琳表示反感地说了一声。
I have to tell you a story which gives you a sense of Maureen's life force. 我想讲一个能够让人了解莫琳生命力的故事。
Last year at age 74, Maureen became Dr. Maureen. 去年,74岁的莫琳成为了莫琳博士。
Maureen looked like an angel, her blonde hair forming a halo around her head. 莫琳看上去就像一个天使,她的金发在头上形成了一个光晕。
Maureen now is making a much bigger impact on America's education system than any other first-year doctoral graduate. 莫琳目前对美国教育体系的影响比其他任何从事第一年研究的博士后都大得多。
Everyone wants to be friends with and work for and with Maureen. 每个人都想成为她的朋友,想为她工作,想和她在一起。
Should I make it out to maureen? 需要写明是给莫林的吗?
I'm sorry. I thought we already established Maureen letham. 抱歉,我以为我们说的就是莫林勒撒。
Kevin: I'm telling you, Maureen: It's a great idea. 凯文:我告诉你,莫林:这是一个伟大的想法。
I said I wanted Maureen oriff. 我说我要莫琳奥利夫。
I told you I went to school with Maureen letham. 我告诉过你我和莫林勒撒去了学校。
Now, I'm off to play my doubles match with Maureen Drake. I'll check in with you all later. 现在,我要离开和德雷克去打双打比赛了,我稍后会来报道的。
I have to play doubles tonight with Maureen Drake but it's going to be a late night because we are the second night match. 我今晚要和莫林·雷克去打晚间的双打比赛,因为我们在第二晚上的比赛。
When Maureen Doherty and her husband got married, she was in her30s. 莫林·多尔蒂和她的丈夫结婚时已经30多岁了。
Maureen Maitland is a vice president at Standard and Poor's, which helped produce the study. 梅特兰是一家公司的副总裁,该公司为这项研究提供了帮助。
The interview for maureen's campus paper went better than expected. 莫林的采访比预期的要好的多。
Maureen, this better be good. 莫林,这最好是个好消息。
Russert is survived by Big Russ, whom he immortalized through his writing and broadcasts, and by his wife, writer Maureen Orth. 罗斯特走在了用广播和写作不朽的大罗斯的前面;走在了妻子、作家MaureenOrth的前面;
Don't have Diane seat next to maureen. 不要让黛安紧挨着莫琳坐。
I'm sorry, Maureen. I just came for me ring. 对不起,莫林,我只是来拿我的戒指。
And can you make sure that Maureen delivers them? 你能让玛琳送上来么?
But you might be able to stop Maureen kingsley. 但你也许可以阻止马里金斯勒。
It was a movie about the German occupation of France, starring Maureen O 'Hara and Charles Laughton and called This Land Is Mine. 电影讲的是德国占领时期的法国,由毛琳·奥哈拉和查尔斯·劳顿主演,取名《这片土地是我的》。
Maureen Downey's columns on education remind me of the fable of the boiled frog. MaureenDowney的教育专栏让我想起那个煮青蛙的故事。
I went to high school with Maureen letham. 我和莫林勒撒今天去了高中。