Maurice Murphy, one of the country's leading classical trumpeters, learnt his craft with the Black Dyke Mills band. 作为该国最著名的古典小号演奏家,莫里斯·墨菲曾师从黑堤磨坊铜管乐团。
I'm very fond of Maurice and I'd make him a good wife. 我非常喜欢莫里斯,我会成为他的贤内助的。
For three weeks Maurice felt off-colour but did not have any dramatic symptoms. 莫里斯连续3周都不大舒服,但又没有什么明显的症状。
She picked up the phone, and began to dial Maurice Campbell's number 她拿起电话听筒,开始拨打莫里斯·坎贝尔的号码。
Maurice gave a satanic smile. 莫里斯脸上露出了邪恶的奸笑。
Maurice Williams ( WPI'08) offers a short, but insightful comment about the definitions of engineering. MauriceWilliams(WPI'08)针对工程学的定义提出一个简短的但是深刻而富有洞察力的评论。
Maurice Hall: I'm an unspeakable of the Oscar Wilde sort. 我是那种无法言说的奥斯卡·王尔德类型。
Richard and Maurice McDonald opened a barbecue drive-in in1940 in the city of San Bernardino, California. 理查德和莫里斯开了一家烧烤麦当劳器在1940年在该市的圣贝纳迪诺,加利福尼亚州。
Maurice Hagar added that he found the slide deck to be interesting and found more to agree than disagree. MauriceHagar补充道,他发现这个PPT还是有点意思的,PPT中的观点,他同意的比起他不同意的还是多了不少的。
MAURICE JOYCE: Businessmen who feared the worse when Roosevelt became president began to breathe easier. 当罗斯福成为总统以后,最害怕的商人们的呼吸平稳了许多。
Bolio was bred by Maurice Carver and Eddie Klaus ( familiar of mine) in1969. 博利育成莫里斯卡弗和埃迪克劳斯(熟悉我的)于1969年。
Maurice Wikins worked with Rosalind franklin, but they were not friends. 莫里斯?威尔金斯与罗莎琳德?富兰克林一起工作,但他们不是朋友。
Maurice has achieved his hope of becoming a doctor. 莫里斯实现了成为一名医生的愿望。
Over the last century many world renowned artists have performed there including Peter Tchaikovsky, Igor Stravinsky, and Maurice Ravel and George Gershwin. 在过去的一个世纪里,许多著名的艺术家都在此进行过他们的表演,包括柴可夫斯基,斯特拉文斯基伊戈尔和拉威尔和乔治格什温。
But as Maurice sipped his tea the dining-room door flew open, and there stood the Beast. 茶时,餐厅的门轻轻地打开了,那里站着一只野兽。
Maurice had not drowned, but been knocked off his bicycle. 事实上,莫里斯不是溺水而亡,而是从自行车上摔下身亡。
Maurice looks at the dreadful stuff in front of him, and then at the publisher's defence. 毛瑞思看了一下他面前的这些令人毛骨悚然的材料,然后又看了一下出版商的辩护。
They still don't know who killed poor maurice. 他们还不知道谁杀了可怜的莫里斯。
All this started because my friend Maurice came by my house. 一切都是因为我朋友毛里斯。
Maurice was next in size among the boys to jack. 在这些男孩中,莫里斯的个儿仅次于杰克。
At last Maurice broke the silence. 莫里斯终于打破了沉默。
Angela was a human resources manager and Maurice was a computer services manager in the same firm. 安吉拉是一个人力资源经理和莫里斯是一个计算机服务经理在同一家公司。
Before their first child was two years old, Maurice and Vera moved to a cottage in the country. 在他们第一个小孩还不满两岁时,莫里斯和维拉搬到了一间乡下的房子去住。
Pompiou replaced the voluble Foreign Minister Maurice Schumann. 蓬皮杜撤掉了能言善辩的外交部长莫里斯·舒曼。
Maurice, thank you for that gracious introduction. 莫里斯,谢谢你帮我做的自我介绍。
It went to Roman and maurice? 他们都去了罗蒙和莫里斯那里?
Jack grabbed Maurice and rubbed the stuff over his cheeks. 杰克抓住莫里斯,把涂料抹在他的面颊上。
Id put Maurice down as a fool, but I now find hes very intelligent. 我以前认为莫里斯很笨,但现在我觉得他很聪明。
Elaine and LAN Gibson proudly announce the birth of their son, John maurice. 伊莱恩和伊恩,吉布森自豪地宣布他们的儿子约翰莫里斯的出生。
Her main preoccupation was whether Maurice would ask her to go with him to france. 现在她最关心的就是莫里斯会不会请她和他一起去法国。