But the maximalist approach to this, a global treaty with binding caps on emissions, is going to be extraordinarily difficult to achieve. 但最大限度式的解决之道对温室气体排放施加限制的全球协定将特别难以实现。
The delegation explained that a maximalist approach to intellectual property was leading to a bestowal of property over ideas and facts, rather than inventions and creations. 该代表团认为,知识产权的最大化原则导致人们把产权授予思想和事实,而不是发明和创造。
And then there is the maximalist interpretation, which wants the new EU president to be a high-profile figure, strutting the world stage. 按照最高纲领主义者的解释,这位新的欧盟主席将成为引人瞩目的角色,在全球舞台上叱咤风云。
Are you maximalist? You better run for your lives! 你是头吗?你最好赶快逃命!
According to the maximalist view, NE plays quite a lot of grammatical functions which seem to be separate from each other. 根据最大化观点,呢拥有许多互相独立的语法功能。
Generally there are three opinions about NE, namely, the maximalist view, the minimalist view, and the communicative view. 一般来说,关于呢的功能有三种观点:最大化观点,最小化观点以及交际观点。