But in Chopin's Four Mazurkas ( Op.33), which followed, his performances, for all their splendors, were restless and jerky. 但是在随后的肖邦马祖卡里。他的表现总的来说算壮观,却是急躁和蠢笨的。
On the Combination of Skills and Ideas and the Integration of the Chinese and Western Culture from FU Cong s Interpretation of Mazurkas; The dances following, the polkas, the schottisches, the mazurkas, will be preceded by short reels. 从傅聪诠释的肖邦玛祖卡舞曲看技道并举与中西文化融合然后是波尔卡舞、苏格兰轮舞、玛祖卡舞,这些都将用一个弗吉尼亚短舞打头。
Many of his compositions are based upon dance forms and rhythms, such as mazurkas, waltzes, and polonaises. 他的许多作品都是以舞蹈的形式和节奏为基础的,诸如马祖卡舞曲、华尔兹舞曲和波罗乃兹舞曲。
His Mazurkas, colorful and rich in sound, are the experimental field of his harmony techniques. 肖邦创作的玛祖卡色彩斑斓,音响丰富,是其和声技术的试验田。
Fou Ts 'ong is a global-famous Chinese pianist. Chopin Mazurkas are one kind of his best pieces which is also most influential and highly regarded. 傅聪是享誉全球的华裔钢琴演奏家,肖邦的《玛祖卡》是他最为擅长、影响最大、也最为人称道的曲目体裁之一。