Republican Senator John McCain raises a different concern. 共和党参议员约翰麦凯恩提出了另一项关注。
But he broke with Senator McCain and President Bush, in saying he does not oppose direct talks with Iran and North Korea. 但是和麦凯恩和布什总统不同,他并不反对和伊朗和北韩展开直接的对话。
So I think Senator McCain's role has been entirely constructive. 因此我认为,麦凯恩参议员的作用完全具有建设性。
Obama campaigned Thursday in Florida, where polls show he is in a close race with Senator McCain. 奥巴马周四在佛罗里达州竞选,那里的民调显示,他和参议员麦凯恩不分伯仲。
He also accused McCain of being too supportive of possible military strikes on Iran and North Korea. 他还指责麦凯恩过于支持可能对伊朗和北韩发动的军事攻击。
In Houston, Obama also targeted McCain, saying that he represents failed policies of the past. 奥巴马在休斯敦也把矛头指向麦凯恩,他说麦凯恩代表过去的失败了的方针。
Presidential contenders John McCain and Barack Obama debated the wisdom of dealing directly with Iran Monday. 美国两位总统竞争者麦凯恩和奥巴马星期一就如何更明智地直接同伊朗打交道进行了辩论。
The McCain campaign is doing what it can to raise questions about Obama's experience and leadership capabilities. 与此同时,麦凯恩的竞选班子在尽一切可能,对奥巴马是否有足够的经验和领导能力提出质疑。
The Obama campaign is also striking back at McCain. 奥巴马的竞选班子也对麦凯恩发动了回击。
Senator McCain appears to have gotten a sizable boost from last week's Republican convention. 参议员麦凯恩的支持率显然从上星期的共和党大会中得到大幅提升。
And I was thinking, I don't know, she killed John McCain's chances. 然后我就在想啊,我是不知道了,她可是干掉了约翰·麦凯恩的好机遇啊。
Senator John McCain says tax cuts are needed for growth. 参议员约翰·麦凯恩说,国家发展需要减税。
Senior Republicans, such as John McCain, have forcefully pointed this out. 约翰麦凯恩(JohnMcCain)等资深共和党人明确地指出了这一点。
Senator Obama also took issue with the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee, Senator John McCain. 奥巴马参议员也反驳了可能得到共和党总统候选人提名的参议员麦凯恩。
Fed up with the flaws of Barack obama, Hillary Clinton and John mccain? 受够了奥巴马、希拉里和麦凯恩的坏毛病?
The McCain campaign was also similarly attacked. 麦凯恩的竞选团队也了遭遇了类似“攻击”。
In this subtle way, the unpopularity of the Bush administration undercut Mr McCain's advantage in seniority. 以这种微妙的方式,布什政府的不受欢迎削弱了麦凯恩在资历上的优势。
LEHRER: Senator Obama, you have a question for Senator McCain on that? 主持人:奥巴马议员,对麦凯恩议员刚才所说的有问题吗?
Both Mr Greenspan and Mr McCain subsequently issued "clarifications". 格林斯潘和麦凯恩随后均发表“澄清”。
The man we need is John McCain. 而那个人,我们需要的人,就是约翰麦凯恩。
Both Mr Obama and Mr McCain have already broken enough moulds without needing to break more. 奥巴马先生和麦凯恩先生都已经足够标新立异了,不需要更多出格动作。
God only made one John McCain, and he is his own man. 上帝只造了一个约翰?麦凯恩,他就是他自己。
Barack Obama defeated John McCain Tuesday in the longest and most costly presidential campaign in American history. 周二,奥巴马击败麦凯恩,赢得了这场美国历史上耗时最长、耗资最大的总统竞选。
They already have a presumptive presidential nominee in John McCain. 他们已经有了一个据信很可能成为总统候选提名人的约翰.麦凯恩。
Well, if you talk to Senator McCain you'd understand that's not an issue. 如果你和麦凯恩参议员谈一谈,你就会明白这不是问题。
Those were the nominees back in2008: then Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain. 以上是2008年美国总统的被提名者:贝拉克奥巴马议员和约翰麦凯恩议员。
MCCAIN: I'm afraid Senator Obama doesn't understand the difference between a tactic and a strategy. 麦凯恩:我恐怕奥巴马议员不清楚一个(局部)战术和一个(全局性)战略的区别。
McCain lost his bid for the Republican nomination in the2000 presidential election to George W.Bush. 麦凯恩失去了申办的共和党总统候选人提名在2000年总统选举布什。
Mr McCain did garner support in some unusual places. 麦凯恩在一些不寻常的地域获得了支持。