Once that was no longer required, the ad quality declined immediately and measurably. 自从乔布斯不再进行审批,苹果广告的质量便立刻一落千丈。
SOA enables you to transform organizational silos into functional groups, thereby measurably increasing productivity. SOA支持您将组织性的机构转化为一个功能性的团队,因此显著地增加生产效率。
Putting on top ever-increasing amounts of data that needs to be processed and exchanged between systems adds measurably to the demand for more computing power and speed. 随着需要在系统之间处理和交换的数据不断增长,将需要更多的计算能力和更快的计算速度。
By the end of a change wave execution period your organization's productivity will have measurably increased based on the entrance and exit criteria of the change wave package. 在变更波执行阶段的末尾,您的组织的生产力将根据变更波包的进入和退出标准显著地增加。
Aside from measurably improving availability, utilization, and manageability, WebSphere CloudBurst provided substantial direct cost savings over the first year of adoption alone. 除了可以计量的可用性、利用率和可管理性方面的提高外,WebSphereCloudBurst在被采用的第一年就提供了明显的直接成本节约。
The most obvious trouble comes from sleep deprivation an already too common reflection in the western world that DST makes measurably worse. 最明显的麻烦来自于睡眠剥夺一个西方世界已经非常普遍的反思,日光节约时间让它更加糟糕。
Contributions that add measurably to the bottom line via cost savings, process improvements, increased sales, and new customers are noticed and will help in keeping your job. 你可以通过为公司做贡献来增加你的重要性,比如节约成本,改进工艺,提高销量,以及开发新开户等,这对保住你的工作是有帮助的。
Ice crystals begin to deform measurably. Clinical observation of the effects of wearing cryolite glass prothesis by Chinese 冰晶就产生某种程度的变形了。国人配戴冰晶石玻璃义眼的临床观察
Instead, advertising becomes a variable cost of production that measurably results in making more profit. 取而代之的是,广告变成了产品的可变成本,它可以量化以创造更多利润。
The most immediately and measurably dangerous scofflawry, however, also happens to be the most visible. 然而,正是那些极常见的玩忽法律行为,其为害最直接、最严重。
Is there an area of your life you'd like to measurably improve such as your finances or relationships but something seems to be holding you back? 你的生活,除了似乎阻碍你的事情外,还有想显著改善的地方吗?比如你的财务或是人际关系。
Trace level logging degrades server performance measurably. 跟踪级别日志记录会使服务器性能显著降低。
America's air and water and lands are measurably cleaner. 美国的空气更加清新、水更加纯净和国土更加清洁。
Ice crystals begin to deform measurably under a unidirectional pressure of slightly less than one atmosphere. 在略小于一个单向大气压的压力下,冰晶就产生某种程度的变形。
Yes, people are measurably happier after they've just won, but six months down the line they're back to their individual'baseline'level of happiness. 诚然,人们在刚刚中奖之后的确挺高兴,但是6个月之后,他们就逐渐回到了自己“基准”的快乐水平上。
Their domestic performances have been measurably more effective. 他们在国内的工作显然较前更有成效。
To date they have not measurably contracted global flows, which are influenced by many economic factors beyond government regulation. 迄今为止,它们还没有导致全球流动大幅减少除了政府监管外,全球流动还受到许多经济因素的影响。
A few days earlier he had declared the economy to have done "measurably better" than expected. 此前几日不久,奥巴马就对外宣布,经济形式与预期相比有“适度好转”。
These buildings and gardens might, he suggests, exert some effect not clinically but psychologically, and the placebo effect is measurably real. 他暗示,这些建筑与花园或许有一定疗效,但并非是临床作用,而是心理慰藉,而且据测,这种慰藉效果是真实存在的。
This program will help you make decisions that measurably improve your managerial effectiveness and increase the productivity of your sales team! 该计划将帮助您作出决定,显着地提高自己的管理效率,并增加您的销售团队的生产力!
Joule actually did this experiment, and he observed that for the gas expansions that he could do, that the temperature did not increase measurably. 事实上焦耳的确做了这个实验,他做到了,他能达到的最好实验要求,发现在可测量范围内没有观察到温度上升。
Collier also maintains donors need to stay involved with fragile states for economic reasons, with his research showing countries suffer measurably slower growth if they have a "fragile" neighbor. Collier还认为,出于经济原因,捐赠机构必须保持与脆弱国家的接触,因为他的研究表明,有“脆弱”邻国的国家,增长速度明显较慢。
And, less measurably, it is a source of economic optimism: a boost to consumer and business sentiment. 此外,中国还活多或少地让东亚国家提高经济的乐观指数、刺激消费和商业信息。
The family is measurably poorer than it was ten years ago. 这个家庭比十年前穷多了。
In addition, as a big country of agriculture, how to measurably balance the benefits of farmers that lost "farmers 'privileges" when China opened the patentability of plants, the public scarcely calculated some constructive plans about it. 另外,作为一个农业大国,一旦我国开放对植物的可专利性,如何在专利制度设计中适度平衡失去农民特权的农民利益,目前,对此尚无太多有建设性的具体设计。
And the cost-minimizing corruption share is delivered if the parameters of policy are measurably adjusted. 在我们的框架下,只要适当地调整政策参数,可以得到福利最优和增长最快一致的贪污水平。
This technology had been proved measurably, and then the outstanding social benefit and environmental benefit that got from using biomass are forecasted. 通过设汁阐明了目前适合吉林省广大农村特点的生物质气化供气、气化&发电等技术的可行性:并对利用生物质资源取得的社会效益、环境效益进行了预测。
Employment and the average salary, these two easy measurably indexes associated with the development of the private enterprise portray the burden and contribution. 就业人数和平均工资,这两个易于衡量的指标联系在一起刻画了民营企业发展的负担和贡献。
Sixthly, the level of sustainable urbanization of region was measurably assessed, and effective factors were analyzed. 第六部分对我国各省区城市化发展水平进行了量化评价,并对其影响因素进行了分析。
Based on factor analysis, the development index, situation harmony index and harmony development index were constructed to measurably assessing sustainable urbanization. 首先以因子分析法为基础构建了城市化进程发展指数、状态协调指数和协调发展指数,对我国城市化进程可持续发展水平进行了定量评价。