When they reached the market-place, she became still more restless, on perceiving the stir and bustle that enlivened the spot; for it was usually more like the broad and lonesome green before a village meetinghouse, than the centre of a town's business. 后来,她们来到了市场,看到那里活跃喧闹的气氛,她就益发不得安宁了;因为那地方平时与其说是镇上的商业中心,不如说象是村会所前的宽阔而孤寂的绿草地。
The common meeting place fro Maori is on the mere, an area of land with a meetinghouse, where all-important events take place. 毛利人聚会的地点通常是在麦利会堂,这是一个前面建有会堂的开阔场地,一切重大的活动都在这儿举行。
For it was usually more like the broad and lonesome green before a village meetinghouse, than the centre of a town's business. 因为那地方平时与其说是镇上的商业中心,不如说象是村会所前的宽阔而孤寂的绿草地。