The project is designed to generate around 30 megawatts of power for the national grid. 该工程计划为国家电网发电约30兆瓦。
To put that in perspective relative to other sources of electricity, solar has more megawatts in development than wind, coal, gas, or nuclear according to analysis by the American Public Power Association. 据美国公共电力协会(AmericanPublicPowerAssociation)分析,相比其他电能的来源,太阳能的待装机兆瓦数超过了风能、煤炭、天然气和核能。
The facility will be built in two identical phases, each comprising 18.2 megawatts of critical load. 该设施的建设将分为两个完全一样的阶段,每期包括18.2百万瓦特临界负载。
Germany still leads with the total number of units and capacity, however, with its 32,192 megawatts. 不过,德国在装机总数和装机容量(32192千兆瓦)方面仍保持领先。
The plant will have a capacity of800 megawatts, or eight percent of the current capacity of the national grid. 该发电厂的预期发电能力为800兆瓦,即相当于以色列目前全国总发电量的8%。
The power plants being built by the government are expected to add 70000 megawatts of power generation. They include thermal and hydroelectric plants. 印度政府修建的发电站预计将把发电量提高七万兆瓦,其中包括水力和热力发电。
I would also like to see at least 10,000 megawatts of additional capacity installed globally with our direct support in three years& thats equivalent to the entire installed capacity of Peru. 我也希望看到通过我们的直接支持,三年内在全球范围至少增加1万兆瓦的装机容量,这相当于秘鲁的全部装机容量。
They each would provide 1,000 megawatts of electricity, a big boost for power-starved Pakistan. 每个反应堆可能提供1,00万千瓦的电力,这对电力紧张的巴基斯坦来说是一个相当大的提振。
Siemens's biggest wind generator has a capacity of 6 megawatts but the company needs to begin looking at 8 MWs, said Mr. Hannibal. 汉尼拔称,西门子最大风力发电机的装机容量是6兆瓦,但是该公司需要开始考虑8兆瓦的机组。
But early this year it signed a deal with an unnamed South African partner to develop solar plants in South Africa, with a total capacity of up to100 megawatts. 但是今年早些时候,它与一个无名的南非伙伴签署了一项协议,从而在南非开发太阳能电厂,总容量达到100兆瓦。
The fundamentals are we're developing solar thermal power generation to concentrate the sun's rays and generate hundreds of megawatts through mirrors called heliostats. 能说的就是我们正在开发太阳能热发电技术,可以汇聚太阳光,然后通过一日光反射镜产生数百兆瓦的电量。
The project is intended to generate electricity up to34 megawatts a day at its peak from sugar refining and up to20 million litres of ethanol fuel annually from molasses. 该项目打算用糖精炼发电(峰值达到每天34兆瓦),还将每年从废糖蜜中生产多达2000万升乙醇燃料。
The system will have a total capacity of 1,000 megawatts ( MW) and will be commissioned in 2010. 该系统总容量将达1千兆瓦,将在2010年调试。
Laser power beaming and propulsion, on the other hand, would require sustained average power output from lasers of megawatts to gigawatts. 而激光传能及推进则要求激光器的持续平均功率输出在兆瓦到千兆瓦之间。
Reactors have recently been built which ale capable of genemting up to several hundred megawatts. 最近建成的反应堆,发电能力高达几百兆瓦。
At its peak, the centre will use 22.2 megawatts of power about the same as a small city. 该中心高峰期的用电量为22.2兆瓦,大致相当于一个小城市。
China is expected to add 800,000 megawatts of extra generating capacity over the next eight years, equivalent to the entire electricity capacity of Europe. 未来8年,预计中国将新增800千兆瓦的发电能力,相当于整个欧洲的发电能力。
Supporters of various renewable energy technologies can trot out impressive-sounding statistics: so many megawatts from planned wind or solar installations or that the sunlight falling on the Sahara has enough energy to power Europe. 各类可再生能源技术的支持者可以列出种种让人印象深刻的统计数字:拟建的风能或太阳能发电站能产生多少电力,或者撒哈拉的日照就完全可以满足欧洲的能源需求。
Reliance Power is buying 30,000 megawatts of boiler, turbine and generator packages, which Shanghai Electric will provide over three years. 信实电力购买了3万兆瓦的锅炉、涡轮机和发电机组,将由上海电气在3年内提供。
You're talking anywhere from thirty two to thirty four hundred megawatts. 你们在谈论从3200到,3400百万瓦特。