For the study, the Carnegie Mellon team used software from Pittsburg pattern recognition, or pittpat. 在这项研究中,卡耐基梅隆大学的研究小组使用了来自匹兹堡模式的识别软件,或者称之为pittpat。
In the second experiment, the Carnegie Mellon researchers asked permission to take pictures of students on campus. 在第二项实验中,卡耐基梅隆大学的研究人员获得许可为学校的学生拍照。
Alessandro Acquisti at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, led the study. 亚历山德罗Acquisti在卡内基-梅隆大学的亨氏学院在宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡,领导了这项研究。
The Carnegie Mellon University Sphinx project creates open source speech-recognition tools for developers and users. 卡内基梅隆大学的Sphinx项目为开发人员和用户创建了开源语音识别工具。
Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science 卡耐基梅隆大学计算机科学学院
The mind holds only about seven pieces of information at a time, says Carnegie Mellon psychologist David Creswell. 大脑一次最多可以保存七条信息,卡耐基梅隆大学的心理学家大卫克雷斯韦尔讲道。
The study, from the Kellogg School of Management, Stanford Graduate School of Business and Carnegie Mellon Universitys Tepper School of Business, aimed to discover the personality types we associate with leadership. 凯洛格商学院、斯坦福商学院和卡内基美隆大学泰珀商学院联合开展的这一研究旨在发现和领导力有关的人格类型。
The researchers were based at Carnegie Mellon, the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Virginia, and the study was funded by the National Institutes of Health. 这项研究是由来自卡内基梅隆大学、匹兹堡大学和弗吉尼亚大学的人员完成的,研究经费由美国国家卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)提供。
Education: schools strong in artificial intelligence, such as MIT, Carnegie Mellon University and Stanford University. 应受教育:入读在人工智能方面具有雄厚实力的学校,比如麻省理工学院、卡内基-梅隆大学和斯坦福大学。
At Carnegie Mellon University, the Integrated Innovation Institute brings together the Tepper School of Business, its College of Engineering and its School of Design. 在卡内基梅隆大学,融合创新研究所让泰珀商学院、工程学院(CollegeofEngineering)和设计学院(SchoolofDesign)联合起来。
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University wanted to know if someone of average intelligence could break that barrier with practice. 卡内基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity)的研究者们想弄明白,拥有一般智力的人通过练习是否可以突破这个记忆力的极限,于是他们进行了相关实验。
As Mellon says: You reach so many more people. 就像梅隆说的那样:它们能让你的信息到达非常多的人那里。
Carnegie Mellon university, for example, reports a21% increase in applications for its computational-finance master's so far this year, after a48% jump last year. 例如,卡耐基梅隆大学就说,他们的计算金融硕士项目的申请者到目前为止已经增长了21%,去年这个数字是48%。
Professor of computer science, human-computer interaction, and design at Carnegie Mellon University; 卡内基梅隆大学计算机科学、人类-计算机交互、设计教授。
For, as we walk out, Mellon mentions she would like to write a book. An autobiography. 因为我们走出餐馆时,梅隆提及她想要出书,是她的自传。
Her father taught Mellon, she says, to trust my instincts. 梅隆说,父亲教会了她要相信直觉。
At Carnegie Mellon we first experienced this problem in our large lecture halls and classrooms. 在卡内基美伦大学,这个问题最早发生在大型演讲厅与教室内。
At Carnegie Mellon I didn't get into graduate school. 在卡内基梅隆大学,我没有被研究生院入取。
Given that Mellon did not go to university, this is not an unexpected statement. 梅隆没有上过大学,所以不存在想不到这一说。
The CERT Coordination Center is part of the Survivable Systems Initiative at the Software Engineering Institute, a federally funded research and development center at Carnegie Mellon University. CERT协调中心是SurvivableSystemsInitiative的一部分的软件工程研究所,由联邦政府资助的研究和在卡耐基梅隆大学开发中心。
Jonathan Caulkins and Angela Hawken, occasional co-authors, teach at Carnegie Mellon and Pepperdine universities respectively. 乔纳森考金斯和安吉拉霍肯不时合著作品,分别在卡内基梅隆大学和佩伯丁大学任教。
Both computer scientists have pioneered the work on Software Architecture at the Software Engineering Institute of the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. 这两位计算机科学家工作于匹兹堡的卡耐基梅隆大学软件工程研究所,是软件架构领域的先驱。
Prior to his position at Apple, he was an assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University, where he developed the world's first speaker-independent continuous speech-recognition system. 在加入苹果公司之前,李开复博士是卡内基梅隆大学的助理教授,他开发出了世界上第一个“非特定人连续语音识别”系统。
At Bristol University and Carnegie Mellon, researchers are studying the parallels between nuclear science and financial markets, in tandem with some military groups. 在布里斯托尔大学(bristoluniversity)和卡内基梅隆大学(carnegie-mellonuniversity),研究人员们正与一些军方人员一道研究核科学与金融市场之间的相似之处。
The Tepper School at Carnegie Mellon University continues to face this challenge. 卡内基梅隆大学泰珀商学院(TepperSchoolatCarnegieMellonUniversity)就仍面临这一挑战。
Carnegie Mellon's Master of Arts Management ( MAM) Program is one example; it is a collaborative effort of the College of Fine Arts and the School of Public Policy and Management in the Heinz College. 卡耐基梅隆大学的艺术管理硕士(MAM)专业就是一个例子,它是美术学院和Heinz学院的公共政策和管理学院共同主办。
The Gates and Hillman centers on the campus of Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University are impressive Architectural feats. 位于匹兹堡的卡耐基梅隆大学的盖茨和耳曼中心是令人难忘的建筑壮举。
As Randy mentioned, he and I, Carnegie Mellon and Electronic Arts share a particular passion about nurturing young girls and trying to encourage young girls to stay with math and stay with science. 就像兰迪提到的那样,我和他,卡耐基梅隆大学和电子艺术中心都对培养年轻女孩怀有热情,我们都尽量鼓励年轻女孩去学习数学和科学。
A second-year PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University's Human Computing Interaction Institute, Zhu is working with Bernardo Huberman, director of HP's Social Computing Research Group. 作为卡内基梅隆大学人机交互计算学院的博士二年级学生,ZhuHaiyi主要与惠普社会化计算研究实验室的主任BernardoHuberman一起工作。