The weekend afternoon, enjoys the fragrance and mellowness in the lazy sunlight which receives bethrothal gifts, music grace. 周末的午后,在慵懒的阳光里享受茶的醇香,音乐的曼妙。
Presently, he smiled and turned to his glum companion. The mellowness of the cuckoo report the come of spring. 他笑了一笑,转身对满脸不高兴的杜竹斋轻声说道:杜鹃甜美的叫声报告了春天的来临。
It is not a sad beauty of a past cut off from the present, but a mellowness that the present inherits from the past; 这不是一种与现今隔绝的往昔的悲凉美,而是现今继承自往昔的一种醇美。
She find in him the mellowness that be rare in others at his age 她发现他具有那种他的同龄人少有的成熟
Stockpiled for several years, Shaoxing rice wine has turned to Huadiao wine, which is crowned as a rare vintage due to its brilliant orange yellow colour, rich mellowness and sweet taste. 酒性柔和,酒色橙黄清亮,酒香馥郁芬芳,酒味甘香醇厚,为绍兴酒中的珍贵佳酿。
You know, fine green tea not only has its delicate fragrance and mellowness, but also its typical pure green color. 你知道,好的绿茶不仅芳香浓郁,而且颜色碧绿。
Valoux gives a rich mellowness, an astringent but delicate taste and an earthy aftertaste. 酒香芬芳浓郁,口感紧涩却有着细腻高雅的质感,酒中飘逸着泥土的芬芳气息。
In the music record, composers and players fused subtly the solitary remote mysterious characteristic of Tartar pipe with the modern musical instruments'dexterity and mellowness. 神秘和多种现代乐器的纯熟圆润巧妙融合,制作了一席音乐的饕餮大餐邀听众共享。
Effect of Different Cropping Systems on The Mellowness of Meadow Soil 不同耕种方式对草甸土熟化的影响
Studies on the irradiation technique in speeding up the mellowness of Shaoxing wine 辐照绍兴酒加速陈化技术的研究
Studies of factors for speeding up mellowness of yellow rice wine by irradiation 辐照黄酒加速陈化的研究
The effects of irradiation dosage, irradiation temperature, different kinds of packing container, vacuous capacity of the container, technology of making wine and storage time on acceleration of yellow rice wine mellowness were studied by sensory evaluation and chemical composition analysis. 以黄酒感官品评和化学成分为指标,研究~(60)Coγ射线辐照剂量、辐照温度、包装容器、容器的空隙度、酿造工艺、贮藏时间对黄酒加速陈化效果的影响。
Of course, is the most pristine of Qi style and natural appeal, Mr. Zhang Peng, mellowness and calm man, introverted subtle, which is also very similar with the Qi, which is held in high esteem he was one of the reasons Qi. 当然最多的是齐白石的质朴的画风和自然的情趣,张朋先生为人清醇平和,内敛含蓄,这一点也是与齐白石极为相近的,这也是他特别推崇齐白石的原因之一。