His application for membership of the organisation was rejected 他想要加入该组织的申请遭到了拒绝。
She applied for associate membership last year. 她去年申请成为准会员。
The membership application came before the Council of Ministers in September 会员申请书于9月提交部长会议审议。
If this is the standard to which I have to drop to gain membership, then count me out! 如果要加入就得降低到这一标准的话,那我就不参加了。
Union membership and union power are declining fast. 工会的人数和力量都在迅速萎缩。
There are 23 Clubs throughout the U.S., and your membership entitles you to enjoy all of them. 全美共有23家俱乐部,您的会员资格可让您享受所有俱乐部的服务。
He has charmed most of them into membership of his fan club. 他施展魅力,让他们大部分人都加入了他的支持者行列。
The commission is cautiously favourable to Austrian membership, foreseeing few economic problems. 没有预见到什么经济问题,委员会谨慎地赞同吸收奥地利为会员。
How did the meeting go, did you get your full membership? 面谈进行得怎么样,你成为正式成员了吗?
Austrians voted for EU membership by a two-to-one majority in a June 1994 referendum, but the honeymoon is definitely over 奥地利在1994年6月举行的全民公决中以2比1的多数票支持加入欧盟,但这一蜜月期明显已经结束了。
He has been charged with membership of an illegal organisation. 他被指控参与非法组织。
Her membership of the Labour Party has lapsed 她已不再是工党党员。
The country has also been granted membership of the World Trade Organisation 这个国家也被准予加入世界贸易组织。
He sent me a membership form 他寄给我一份入会登记表。
Membership in her church youth group helped develop her political ideas. 加入教会青年团契促使她形成了自己的政治观点。
Membership of the ERM is not a panacea for Britain's economic problems 加入欧洲汇率机制并不是解决英国经济问题的万灵丹。
Party membership was an essential prerequisite of a successful career. 成为党员是事业有成必不可少的先决条件。
Entry to the show is free to members on production of their membership cards. 会员只要出示会员卡就可以免费观看演出。
There are a growing number of countries queueing up for membership. 越来越多的国家争相成为其中的一员。
'What I would like, is a membership list and some information on how the Society is run.' —'Then that is what you shall have. ' “我想要的是一份成员名单和有关这个社团如何运作的一些信息。”——“好的,我会给你这些的。”
Their membership seems to have risen to something over 10,000. 他们的会员似乎已经增加到约1万名以上。