VERB 行经;来月经 When a woman menstruates, a flow of blood comes from her womb. Women menstruate once a month unless they are pregnant or have reached the menopause.
Lean hard-training women athletes may menstruate less frequently or not at all. 身材瘦削而且训练艰苦的女运动员行经可能不那么频繁,或者根本不来月经。
The cutter leaves a tiny opening to permit urination and menstruation. 割礼师会留下一个小开口用来排尿和经血。
Of or relating to menstruation or the menses. 属于、关于月经或月经期。
Eat prophylactic the menstruation later, the safety after going period accurate still? 吃避孕药后来的月经,走后的安全期还准吗?
Prophylactic ate in24 hours, and menstruation also came, can you still be pregnant? 在24小时吃了避孕药,而且月经也来了,还会不会怀孕哦?
This is the first time I raced during my menstruation period. 我这是第一次月经的时候比赛哦。
I feel your menstruation is abnormal is the body only the expression with which one abnormal part. 我觉得你月经不正常只是身体哪一部分不正常的表现。
But the wrong way take can also cause hormone adjustment disorder, thus increasing the abnormal menstruation. 但错误的服用方式同样会引起激素调节紊乱,从而出现异常增多的月经。
Objective To find out syndrome distribution of late menstruation patients to lay foundation for the standardization of syndrome differentiation. 目的了解月经后期患者证型分布状况,为规范辨证诊断标准奠定基础。
A few days later I have to menstruation, and up to now has been to twice. 几天后我就来月经了,到现在已来了两次。
When a woman is the first to menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, they will sleep easier. 当女人第一来月经、怀孕或进入更年期时,就会变得更加容易失眠。
I have just the beginning of menstruation, as well as to the pain. 我刚开始的时候也是象来月经那样的疼痛。
If you did not come, then menstruation, is likely to be pregnant. 如果你月经没有来的话,很可能是怀孕了。
Taboos surrounding menstruation and sex have existed since the times of the Old Testament. 月经和性的禁忌早在旧约的时候就存在了。
Their emotions are not predictable but change quickly especially due to hormones, during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause. 她们的情绪不可预料,但是变化迅速。因为荷尔蒙的原因,在经期、怀孕期间和更年期这一点尤为明显。
Amenorrhea is often after menstruation, menstruation delay has the possibility of developping to amenorrhea. 月经后期进一步加重有可能发展为闭经,在闭经前往往发生月经后期之表现。
Had what problem. Perverse stimulate unapt cause menstruation to defer. 有什么问题了吧.剌激不至于引起月经推迟的。
If the menstruation always rule's woman presents the menopause. 如月经一向规律的妇女出现停经。
Talking about menstruation or wet dreams after they've already started means you're too late. 不要等事情已经开始了你在迟迟的讲关于月经了、春梦了。
Women are routinely anemic from menstruation and pregnancy, and so often have significantly less stamina than men. 妇女经常因为月经和怀孕而贫血,所以力气比男人明显地少。
Also, I'U have no more menstruation after the operation and my anemia would be corrected. 而且手术后,就没有月经了,我的贫血就可以改善了。
Uterine Bleeding: ABnormal Bleeding from the uterus not related to menstruation. 子宫出血:一种妇科症状,表现为与月经无关的子宫内出血。
Between ovulation and menstruation in accordance with this relationship can be calculated according to the menstrual cycle ovulation phase. 根据排卵和月经之间的这种关系,就可以按月经周期来推算排卵期。
Have you had any pain in this area during your menstruation? 你来月经时间时这一部位疼吗?
Therefore, 80% or more of gynecological diseases with abnormal menstruation has a direct or indirect relationship. 所以,80%甚至更多的妇科病都与月经不调有着直接或间接的关系。
Some women with epilepsy showed paticular vulnerability to seizures during menstruation and ovulation, which is named catamenial epilepsy. 部分女性癫痫患者痫性发作的敏感性在月经期和排卵期显著性增强,这种癫痫的发作被称为月经性癫痫。
Yet, in certain cases, women are exempted from some acts of worship, especially Prayers and fasting during the monthly menstruation period and following childbirth. 然而,在某些情况下,妇女被豁免了一些功课,尤其是在经期和分娩期豁免了礼拜和斋戒。
Infrequent menstruation or amenorrhea not resulting from organic disease is not harmful. 非器质性病变引起的闭经及稀发月经对身体并无损害。
In addition, I do not know your menstruation has been associate it? 另外,我不知道你的月经一直很准吗?
It's likely that the endometriosis will disappear when ovulation and menstruation stop after the menopause. 这有可能是子宫内膜异位症就会消失时,排卵及月经停止后,更年期。
Or irregular menstruation, a long time there is blood stasis. 或月经不调,久有瘀血。