Kathy Bollinger, president of the Arizona West Region of the Banner Health system of hospitals, has plenty of experience as a mentor and as a mentee. 班纳健康中心(BannerHealth)负责亚利桑那州西部地区业务的总裁凯西•柏林格作为导师和学员都有丰富的经验。
As a mentee, it's best to establish a process and always have a mentoring date on the calendar, Zachary advises. 扎克利建议,作为学员,最好确立一个流程,安排时间定期接受导师的指导。
As my mentee James found out, sometimes honesty isnt always the best policy. 正如我的学员詹姆斯指出的,有时候诚实并非总是最好的策略。
Ana Fernanda Ruiz, a senior finance and management-science major, says her mentee, a managing director, wanted to learn how to connect with younger clients and future employees. 安娜・费尔南达・鲁伊斯(AnaFernandaRuiz)是金融和管理科学专业大四的学生,她说自己的学员,一名总经理,想要学习如何与年轻客户以及未来的雇员打交道。
There is a special kind of relationship called sponsorship in which the mentor goes beyond giving feedback and advice and uses his or her influence with senior executives to advocate for the mentee. 这里存在一种特殊的关系&协助关系,这和一般的培训不同,“导师们”提供一些指导和反馈意见给大家,同时利用自身的高管影响力来极力推荐参与者。
The mentor must be willing to do their best for the mentee, and the mentee to learn from the mentor. 导师必须愿意尽力帮助被辅导者,而被辅导者必须愿意学习导师。
Mentoring is also voluntary: both mentor and mentee are free to end the relationship without negative consequences for either of them. 辅导也是自愿的:导师和被辅导者都可以自由地结束这种辅导关系,而不会对双方产生负面后果。
A mentor can help build the mentee's profile& putting her forward for positions in committees, for example, or as a speaker at a conference. 一位导师可以帮助被辅导者积累履历&例如,推荐她担任委员会的职位,或者在一次会议上发言。
Mentoring should be confidential: mentor and mentee must feel free to express themselves and discuss problems with full confidentiality. 辅导应该是保密的:导师和被辅导者必须自由地表达自身,并且在完全保密的情况下讨论问题。
So a mentor can't be the mentee's supervisor or a project leader. 因此导师不能是被辅导者的上级或项目领导。
Wheaton says she has bumped into Carr in the lift and they have compared notes on his role as a mentor and hers as a mentee. 惠顿表示,她曾在电梯里撞见卡尔,二人分别作为导师和被辅导者,交换了意见。
This can be a confidence-booster for both the mentor and the mentee with a wonderful principle of reciprocity at play here: By boosting another's self-esteem, we boost our own. 对于指导和被指导会友来说,这样的过程犹如信心增强剂,是一项很棒的互惠原则。藉由增强他人自信的同时,我们的自信也增强了。