In many cases, though, people just want an overview of a subject, to gain a general understanding of, say, mercantilism. 不过,在许多情况下,人们只是想看到对某个事物的综述,对像“重商主义”这种词汇有个大体的了解即可,不必深究细节。
Even the desire for export-driven growth has become less attractive because of the over-investment, inefficiency and corruption associated with the range of policies supporting mercantilism. 一系列支持重商主义的政策导致的投资过剩、效率低下和腐败,甚至使出口推动型增长都变得不那么具有吸引力。
He will pursue the national interest, regional and global power, protectionism and mercantilism. 他将追求国家利益、地区和全球影响力、保护主义和重商主义。
The appearance of modern business mode and mercantilism laid the foundation of the inchoation of commercial spirit. 现代经营方式的出现与重商主义登上历史舞台,为商业精神的发端奠定了基础。
As reserves build, charges of predatory mercantilism from Europe and the US could reach a feverish pitch, leading to serious trade wars. 随着中国外汇储备的增加,欧美国家对中国“掠夺性重商主义”的指责,可能会达到狂热程度,最终爆发严重的贸易战。
The Mercantilism Policy of Elizabeth ⅰ and the Development of Market Economy 伊丽莎白一世的重商主义政策与市场经济因素的孕育
With unemployment remaining very high, job losses to the "new mercantilism" abroad are likely to incite strong political reactions. 鉴于失业率仍处于非常高的水平,工作机会流失至“新重商主义”国家可能会激起强烈的政治反应。
The need to change the pattern of growth in the world economy should not become an excuse for mercantilism fraudulently to present itself in a superficially more constructive form. 改变全球经济增长模式的必要性,不应成为重商主义的借口,这种重商主义带有欺骗性,以一种表面上更具建设性的形式出现。
Second, China has hit what Hendry calls the last stage of mercantilism. 第二,中国已到达了亨德利所称的重商主义的最后阶段。
Alternatively, the reckless US financial system and irresponsible American consumers accommodated the Chinese mercantilism as the dollar became overvalued and the Chinese built up reserves and maintained an undervalued exchange rate. 此外,在美元估值过高,中国积累外汇储备并保持低估的汇率之际,草率的美国金融体系和不负责任的美国消费者容忍了中国的重商主义。
The British Foreign Trade and the Mercantilism in the Early Tudor Period 英国都铎王朝前期的对外贸易和重商政策
Meanwhile, mercantilism and the fear of sophisticated finance have historically gone hand in hand in Germany and other parts of northern Europe. 同时,在德国及欧洲北部其它国家,重商主义和对复杂金融的恐惧在历史上一直并存。
Mercantilism and the Forming of Market Economy System in England 浅析重商主义与英国市场经济体制的形成
They believe that US anger about alleged Chinese currency manipulation and mercantilism will be blunted, as China allows its currency to appreciate and as the Chinese consumer market begins to fulfil its potential. 他们相信,随着中国允许人民币升值、中国消费市场开始发挥潜力,美国对中国所谓汇率操纵行为及重商主义的怒火将被熄灭。
The US is entitled to protect itself against such mercantilism. 在这种重商主义面前,美国有权保护自己。
He argued that countries that are victims of Chinese mercantilism may be right to take protectionist action. 他认为,那些作为中国重商主义的受害国采取保护主义措施或许是正确的。
The larger point is that the same forces that make Chinese mercantilism so damaging right now also mean that China has little or no financial leverage. 更重要的是,现如今使得中国的重商主义如此具有杀伤力的那些力量,也同时意味着,中国只有很少或者根本没有财务杠杆。
He also decried financial mercantilism – the withdrawing of banks 'global reach which was depriving developing countries of vital capital resources. 他还谴责了金融重商主义&银行在全球范围内撤资,让发展中国家失去了重要的资金来源。
China's new ideology of state mercantilism has been wildly successful precisely because it flouts international norms. 中国的新重商主义思想的状态一直非常成功正是因为它无视国际准则。
Mr Obama referred to the need to move beyond the dollar-renminbi peg, which the Americans see as a form of Chinese mercantilism again, signalling there had been little progress. 奥巴马则提到,有必要超越人民币盯住美元的汇率政策,美方将这种政策视为中国重商主义的一种表现。
The eurozone has joined this "new mercantilism" and the result will be a sharp rise in global imbalances. 欧元区已加入这种“新重商主义”的行列,结果将是全球失衡明显加剧。
A leading western bank executive said: We have barely started to see real mercantilism, protectionism yet but the signs are alarming. 一位西方主要银行的高管表示:我们迄今还没有开始看到真正的重商主义、保护主义,但迹象令人担忧。
SANG Hong-yang and Colbert are two representatives of mercantilism in the east and the west respectively, and both their ideas have some similarities and distinctive differences. 桑弘羊和柯尔培尔是中西方重商主义的突出代表,他们的重商思想既有相近的一面,也有明显的相异之处。
As China moves away from mercantilism, and as the renminbi appreciates, there will be stiff opposition from the tradable sector that has benefited most from currency undervaluation. 随着中国逐步摒弃重商主义、人民币逐步升值,因人民币被低估而获利最多的贸易部门肯定会表示强烈反对。
But there are many common threads between the old and the new mercantilism. One of them is the identification of the national interest with that of chosen national corporations, even though we are not allowed to talk of picking winners. 但新旧两种重商主义之间有许多共通之处,其中之一就是将选定的国内企业的利益等同于国家利益,虽然我们不能说是挑选赢家。
The Analysis on the Embeddedness of Mercantilism: Take the Era of European Nation-State Building as an Example 重商主义的嵌入性分析&以欧洲民族国家建设时期为例
But the widespread fear that the global recession would herald a return to mercantilism is unfounded. 但是,人们对全球衰退将宣告重商主义卷土重来的普遍担忧,是没有根据的。
From Mercantilism to New-mercantilism-Analysis of Characteristic and Compatibility about Mercantilism; To deduce ( a principle or doctrine); construe ( a meaning). 重商主义的分析研究及新重商主义的弊端分析演绎,解释推断(原则或教义);分析(意义)
The threat of financial mercantilism can be overstated. 金融重商主义的危害也许有点危言耸听。
Mercantilism has greatly influenced the world economy since it was formed. 重商主义自形成以来,对世界经济产生了巨大的影响,直接催化了资产阶级政治经济学的诞生,并构成了发展经济学的基础。