The Electrical Impedance of Piezoelectric Transducer Mercurous Chloride Devices; Automatic exchange for voltage and current output. 卤化亚汞声光器件换能器电输入阻抗仪器电压、出电流信号能够自动转换。
"Other drugs made from minerals include calomel ( mercurous chloride), a laxative; potassium bromide, a sedative; and calcium gluconate, used in the treatment of rickets." 其它用矿物制成的药包括甘汞(氯化亚汞),泻药;溴化钾,镇静药;葡萄糖钙,用于治疗佝偻
The Electrical Impedance of Piezoelectric Transducer Mercurous Chloride Devices; Study on the measurement method of ultrasonic transducer electrical impedance 超声换能器电阻抗特性测量方法研究
OBJECTIVE To design and make the mercurous sulfate electrode and measure the related parameters of the electrode, and to study its application on analysis of the penicillins. 目的设计制备实用硫酸亚汞参比电极,测定其性能参数以及稳定性,探讨在分析测定青霉素类抗生素方面的应用。
Preparation of mercurous sulfate reference electrode and its analytical application on penicillins 硫酸亚汞电极的研制与电位滴定法分析测定青霉素类抗生素
The waste liquid after the silver recovery is disposed to remove Cr3+, Hg2+ and Fe3+ by dosing excessive sodium sulphide to create codeposition of chromium sulphide, mercurous sulphide and ferrous sulfide under the alkaline condition. The clear liquid can be discharged directly. 回收银后的废液在碱性条件下加过量硫化钠生成硫化铬、硫化亚汞和硫化亚铁共沉淀,达到去除Cr3+,Hg2+和Fe3+的目的,清液可排放。
The experimental result shows that in ordinary conditions the sublimation of preparations from three raw materials ( mercury, common salt and vitriols) yield as product only mercurous chloride rather than mercuric chloride. 实验结果表明,以汞、盐、矾三成分原料,在普通条件下炼制产物只能得氯化亚汞而非氯化汞。
Design and performance analysis of beam steering birefringent mercurous chloride AO device 超声跟踪反常氯化亚汞声光器件的设计及性能分析
Study of Transducer Mercurous Chloride Acousto Optic Devices 对卤化亚汞声光器件换能器研究
Mercurous chloride ( Hg2Cl2) which is similar to the modern methods of preparation of mercuride and equation of chemical reaction. 氯化亚汞的制备方法及化学反应方程式。
The mercuration of pyridine and the preparation of mercurous acetate 吡啶的汞化及醋酸亚汞的制备