ADJ-GRADED 精英管理的;贤能统治的 A meritocratic society or social system gives people status or rewards because of what they achieve, rather than because of their wealth or social position.
Parents shower their kids with affection, but it is meritocratic affection. 父母向孩子倾注无限的感情,但那是精英至上的感情。
The U.S. now fancies itself under a meritocratic system, through which the highest jobs are open to the most talented people, no matter their lineage or social background. 美国现在自以为实行的是精英政治体制,通过这个制度,最高职位都是向最有才华的人开放的,不管他们的血统或社会背景如何。
On the meritocratic climb, one's mettle is first tested by getting into these institutions& no easy task in the contemporary overcrowded scramble for admission. 在精英政治的登云梯上,最先考验人勇气的是要进入这些教育机构――在现在这种千军万马争先恐后抢夺录取机会的大潮中绝非易事。
Everybody knows the meritocratic system has lost its mind. 所有人都知道精英管理的系统已经失去了理智。
And within meritocratic systems, many are successful due to pure luck ( i.e. background, upbringing) and so those successful have a duty to work for the betterment of everyone. 在精英体系内,很多人成功是因为纯粹的运气(即背景、教养),所以那些成功者有义务为每个人的发展尽责。
Trading, he insists, is meritocratic, thereby ditching his youthful prejudices. 他坚持说,证券交易这一行是凭实力说话的,由此抛弃了年轻时的偏见。
A meritocratic system is the best, but no system is truly meritocratic. 精英体系是最好的,但没有体系是真正的精英。
One of the reasons I like enterprise is that it is largely a meritocratic sphere. 我喜欢企业的一个原因是这很大程度上是个任人唯才的领域。
If I can offer any advice to MBA students, I would say to remember that at a company with a strong meritocratic culture, such as Goldman Sachs, the importance of your contribution outweighs any degree you might earn. 如果说我能给MBA学生提供什么建议的话,我会说请记住,在一个像高盛这样拥有很强精英文化的公司里,你的贡献远远重要于你所获得的任何一个学位。
American businessmen could be heard ruefully contrasting their own dysfunctional political system and flaky politicians with China's decisive and meritocratic leadership. 人们可以听到,美国商界人士可怜巴巴地将本国机能失调的政治体系和想法怪异的政客,与中国果断而英明的领导层进行对比。
If US citizens think this lack of mobility is a fair and meritocratic outcome, reflecting the value of different families, the lack of social mobility is no great problem. 如果美国国民认为,这种缺乏变动是公平的,是精英领导的结果,反映了不同家庭的价值,那么社会阶层缺乏变动就不是什么大问题。
They will be underpinned by Permanent Secretaries and a professional, meritocratic and politically neutral civil service. 他们会得到常任秘书长和专业、优秀和中立的公务员辅助,开展工作。
In China, we often make the mistake of thinking of the West as a paradise of liberalism and enlightenment, with a free media and a thriving meritocratic education system. 在中国,我们很多人误认为西方文化没有忌讳,没有压迫,在西方国家有着自由的媒体,和公平的教育制度。
But the current political system is already meritocratic in some respects, and it would be practical and desirable to draw on the parts that work well. 但是中国目前的政治体系在某些方面已经属于精英政治,让这一部分走上台面,既是大势所趋,也比较切合实际。
People-oriented, meritocratic yin is that we adhere to the principle of decades. 以人为本,用人唯贤是我们十年来坚守的原则。
The workplace may be sexist, but the education system is extremely meritocratic. 工作环境可能是男性之上的,但教育体系是极端精英化的。