Be delighted to know that the powerful stimulation flushes excess water, harmful toxins and fat cells off your body hence, improves blood circulation as unused fats are metabolised. 令人欣喜的是,这种疗法能刺激人体把过量的水分,有害的物质以及脂肪细胞排出体外。无用的脂肪细胞得带代谢后,人体血液循环系统也能得到增强。
Those with higher levels of para-cresol sulphate, made from para-cresol produced by bacteria in the gut, metabolised paracetamol less effectively than those with lower levels. 那些肠道细菌产生的对甲酚制成的高水平硫酸对甲酚的人比水平低的人代谢对乙酰氨基酚慢。