What we have to do now is get to the point where a new technology metamorphoses into a new medium. 我们现在要做的就是将世代推进到把新技术转变为新媒体的时代。
The headstrong girl metamorphoses into the loving wife and mother. 这个倔强的姑娘已变成一个可爱的妻子和母亲。
His long narrative poem Venus and Adonis borrowed from Ovid's Metamorphoses exhibits Renaissance humanists'advocacy of desire to reason and ultimately attaining harmony of the two. 来源于奥维德《变形记》的长篇叙事抒情诗《维纳斯与阿都尼》就表现了文艺复兴时期人文主义者从提倡欲望转而提倡理性,最终达到理欲和谐的思想。
Roman poet known for his explorations of love, especially the Art of Love ( c.1 b.c.) and Metamorphoses ( c.a.d.8). 奥维德罗马诗人,以其对爱的研究,尤其是爱的艺术(公元前1年)和变形记(公元8年)而闻名。
The poet metamorphoses the everyday into the universal. Many of the subjects dealt with in the letters are about mundane domestic matters. 诗人把日常的事变为普遍性的事。信中多是家常琐事。
The metamorphoses, tactics, and strategies of the object exceed the subject's understanding. 客体的蜕变、俩、策略是主体的理解力所望尘莫及。
The Monkey Sun Wu-kung is able to make seventy-two metamorphoses, but there is always one difficulty, changing his tail. 孙猴子七十二变,有一个困难,就是尾巴不好变。
Sun Wu-kung can make seventy-two metamorphoses, and on one occasion he changes his tail into a Flagstaff& that long. 孙行者七十二变,最后把尾巴变成个旗杆,那么长。
The poet metamorphoses the everyday into the universal. 诗人把日常的事变为普遍性的事。
Everlasting confusion in the changing Periods of the Civilization History& the Comparing and Pondering on the heroes in Metamorphoses and Scattered Chicken Feather over the Ground 异化:人类历史转型期的永久困惑&《变形记》与《一地鸡毛》主人公异化比较及其思考
Based on the amount of larva on the cultch and metamorphoses, development and growth of larva by different batches, the optimal setting time of cultch in the rearing of seed eso scallop was three to four days after the appearance of eyespot larva. 依据不同批次的附着基上幼虫的附着量、变态与发育生长情况,得出虾夷扇贝育苗中附着基的最佳投放时间为眼点幼虫出现后的第3~4天。
The physicochemical properties and behaviors of potassium and related substances, material sources of potassium salts, metamorphoses and crystallization speciation of bitterns, as well as formation conditions and mechanisms of potassium deposits were discussed. 讨论了钾及其有关物质的理化性质和行为规律,钾盐的物质来源,盐卤的变质,结晶分异,成矿条件和机制,认为富钾热液是形成钾盐矿床的重要的物质来源之一。
On the Metamorphoses 'Influence on the Later European Literature 试论《金驴记》对后世欧洲文学作品的影响
The change of temperature had no effect on metamorphosis survival rate of M and time interval, but time intervals at metamorphoses of C 1 to C 2 delayed for 24h-48h as compared with that of control group ( 30 ℃). 温度改变对M的变态存活率和变态时间间隔无影响,但C1变态为C2的时间间隔比对照组延长24~48h。
In stage ⅲ, when total protein contain 42% of animal protein, the feed is in favor of the tadpoles metamorphoses. 阶段Ⅲ,动物性蛋白占总蛋白的42%时,最有利于蝌蚪的变态。
The circular and elliptical planar monopole antennas and their metamorphoses are major objects to design UWB antennas. 圆形及椭圆形平面单极子天线以及他们的改进是UWB天线设计主要载体。
From the experiment results show that the algorithm reduces the burden of feature specification and metamorphoses automatically. 仿真结果表明算法减轻了用户指定变形特征基元的负担,实现了图象的自动变形。
The author concludes that Chinese nationalism is a powerful force in the 21st century and peoples near and afar are bound to be affected by how Chinese nationalism evolves and metamorphoses. 作者得出的结论是:中国民族主义是21世纪的一股强大力量,必将会对周边国家产生影响。
In addition, there frequently appear a variety of patients with miscellaneous diseases. However, the diseases is not related to any practical meaning but a kind of symbol in her novels. Moreover, there are various different metamorphoses of human body. 其次,残雪小说中还经常出现各式各样的病人,他们患有各种各样的怪病,然而这里的疾病却没有什么现实意义,它们更多的是作为一种符号而存在的。
As a poet who had always been composing poems with heart and soul, Yeats experienced several times of metamorphoses, which involved a painstaking course of thinking and signified the evaporation of his mind. 作为一个始终以其整个身心写作诗歌的诗人,叶芝每一次的蜕变,都包含着一个艰难的思想历程,昭示着一次思想的升华。
The ethic and psychological metamorphoses severely damages the ethical judgment of the entire society. 这种由于心理和伦理变形导致的行为严重损害了整个社会的伦理价值判断。