If, as has been said, it is characteristic of free thought to allow no assumptions to pass unquestioned, the old metaphysicians were not free thinkers. 由此可见,旧形而上学的思想并不是自由的思想。
It has often been said by metaphysicians throughout human history that it is love that is the glue that holds creation together. 人类历史中常有玄学家声称:爱是粘合创造物的粘合剂。
Metaphysicians wish that nature disposition can supplement and adjust Confucian Ethical code, and, they think that nature disposition is the power advancing society and history. 玄学理想人格的特征仍然是儒道兼综,他们希望用道家的自然情性去规范和补充儒家的纲常伦理,并且显示出了把自然情性看作社会和谐、历史前进的真正动力的思想。
Sartre thinks that these metaphysicians 'theories of the image can be summarized as followings: the image which has a sensible content, obeys the rules of things and blocks the thought. 萨特认为,这些形而上学家们的意象理论,可以概括为:意象具有一个可感觉的内容,它服从于事物的规律,意象是思维的阻碍。
Viewed from the intellectual's personality and the change of the relationship between metaphysicians and Confucians, it has three obvious features: natural congeniality, non-secularity and the variety of inner need. 从文人个性和玄儒关系的演变来看,自然适意、脱俗求奇以及心灵需求的多样化构成了它最重要的三大特征。
However, the French Revolution, due to the manipulation and command of the legists and metaphysicians ( the middle class), became a bourgeois, not an industrial's revolution, which deviated from its aim and strayed from its right path. 但是,由于作为“中间阶级”的法学家和形而上学家操纵和指挥革命,这场革命成了“资产阶级”的而非“实业家”的革命。
From the perspectives of "heaven nature", metaphysicians thought insects and all things were all the results of self-run of the nature. They advocated human activities should follow natural laws, or pest disasters would happen. 玄学家则从天道自然的角度,认为昆虫万物都是自然自生自化的结果,主张人类活动应遵循自然法则,否则就有虫灾。
The metaphysicians advocated abandoning etiquette for the sake of nature. 玄学家们主张弃礼法而求自然。