气象学 Meteorology is the study of the processes in the Earth's atmosphere that cause particular weather conditions, especially in order to predict the weather.
National Weather Service meteorologist Dan Peterson says there are only a couple of exceptions. 国家气象局气象学家丹?皮特森说只有几个例外。
Jim Dale, senior meteorologist from British Weather Services, said the event was probably caused by returning polar maritime air. 英国气象服务的高级气象学家JimDale表示这场苹果雨很有可能是因为回流的极地海洋气团造成的。
Heavy rains we're not the only cause of recent urban flooding, according to University of Georgia research meteorologist Marshall Shepherd. 近年来美国许多城市洪水肆虐,而强降雨并非其中唯一的成因,佐治亚大学气象学家马歇尔谢泼德如是说。
Meteorologist Simon Partridge says: I would expect it to still look dark as dark as night in some places. 气象学家西蒙帕特里奇说:还是会变暗的,在某些地方就跟夜晚一样。
The concept of the butterfly effect is attributed to Edward Norton Lorenz, a mathematician and meteorologist, who was one of the first proponents of chaos theory. 蝴蝶效应是气象学家,同时也是首位提出混沌学的数学家洛伦兹提出来的。这位气象学家制作了一个电脑程序,可以模拟气候的变化。
India is experiencing Loo winds, hot and dry westerly gusts from Pakistan and northwest India which dries out the region, according to CNN meteorologist Monica Garrett. 根据CNN气象学家莫妮卡·加勒特说,印度正经历着来自印度西北部以及巴基斯坦又热又干的西风,也就是洛风,导致气候干旱。
In this period, named after the meteorologist John Dalton, average temperatures in parts of Europe fell by 2C. 在这段以气象学家约翰道尔顿命名的时期里,欧洲部分地区的平均温度下降了2摄氏度。
Ever wonder how much a cloud weighs? What about a hurricane? A meteorologist has done some estimates and the results might surprise you. 想知道一朵云有多重吗?还有飓风?一位气象学家做了大概的估算,结果可能会让你大吃一惊哦。
That was expected to push the river up again, with the next peak forecast for Tuesday afternoon, meteorologist Albert Richmond said. 可能有河水再次上涨的风险,预计下次水位高峰将在周二下午,气象学家AR说到。
What about her saying she was a meteorologist? 那她说她是气象学者怎么样?
One day, a meteorologist called Jack received an astonishing shocked news& human is in great trouble because of the world's globle warming, an extinctive natural disaster which could destroy the earth is imminent. 某一日,气象学家杰克收到惊人噩闻人类将会大祸临头,因为全球温室效应所致,一场灭绝人寰、足令地球消失的自然灾害已经迫在眉睫。
He is a talented meteorologist. 他是一个出色的气象学家。
Meteorologist Zhou Yuehua said La Nina was to blame for the drought. 气象学家周月华表示,拉尼娜是造成旱情的原因。
A meteorologist has done some estimates and the results might surprise you. 一位气象学家做了大概的估算,结果可能会让你大吃一惊哦。
Pressure, humidity, and any other quantity a meteorologist would want. 气压、湿度和气象学家需要的任何其他数据。
The Meteorologist drew a picture of weather. 气象学者画了一张天气图。
But eventually he secured a job as a meteorologist in California. 最终,拉杜洛维奇先生在美国加州找到了一份气象员的稳定工作。
CNN meteorologist predicted that the flooding will reach its highest point tomorrow, but it could be days before the conditions there get any better. CNN气象学者预测明天洪水将达到最高点,但是消退还得需要一段时间。
Shooting for rain, meteorologist Huang Binming ( right) and his crew launch canisters of silver iodide into the sky near Madoi. 为了人工降雨,气象学家黄斌明(右)和他的小组在马多附近向着天空发射碘化银炮弹。
That storm, which is expected to start overnight, should last several days and eventually make its way eastward, like its predecessor, CNN meteorologist Chad Myers said. CNN天气气象学家迈尔斯乍得预计这场暴风雪从晚上开始,接连持续几天,最终像前一场暴风雪一样向东推进。
Suppose every sensor gives perfectly accurate readings of temperature, pressure, humidity, and any other quantity a meteorologist would want. 再假定每个传感器都极极端准确地读出了温度、气压、温度和气象学家需要的任何其他数据。
Chaos was first discovered by an America meteorologist Lorenz in 1963, and turned into a new science rapidly. 混沌现象由美国气象学家洛伦兹(Lorenz)于1963年首先发现,其后迅速发展成为一门新兴科学。
Meteorology Data Warehouse ( MDW) provides not only the meteorologist with a quickly way to get useful information but also the environment of data mining and knowledge discovery, largely supporting the improvement of weather service quality. 气象数据仓库不仅可使气象业务人员迅速准确地获取有用的气象信息,同时还给气象科研工作者提供了气象数据挖掘和知识发现的环境,为气象服务质量的提高提供有力的支持。
In 1960s ', an American meteorologist, E. N. Lorenz, found the first strange attractor, the so-called Lorenz attractor, in a numerical experiment. 自20世纪60年代美国气象学家E.N.Lorenz在数值实验中偶然发现了第一个混沌吸引子以来,混沌在众多领域中获得了巨大而深远的发展。