Good advisors will help you approach the process methodically and ultimately get to the best outcome. 好的顾问能帮你有条不紊地处理这件事,最终取得最理想的结果。
Aim for constant improvement and consciously and methodically work towards positive change where you need it most. 朝着不断改善的目标,自觉地有条不紊地向着您最需要的积极方向努力吧。
If he have studied logic, he thinks afterwards as he did before, perhaps more methodically, but with little alteration. 即使人研究了逻辑之后,他的思想仍不过与前此一样,也许更有方法一些,但也不会有多大的变化。
As I methodically explained why each clue revealed too much, my husband dutifully crossed out the words. 我有条不紊地解释为什么每个线索都透露得太多,我丈夫就尽职地划去一些词。
Step by step, methodically, the analyst identifies the data elements to be input to, stored by, manipulated by, generated by, OR output by the system. 分析员逐步地、有条理地区分了系统要求输入、存储、产生或输出的应该分别是哪些数据元素。
But if you do, I have found that an hour or two spent methodically going through the documentation and using Amazon's signature tools help to get around the problem. 但如果真遇到了问题,为了解决它,您常常需要系统地查阅文档和使用Amazon签名工具的帮助,这可能会花费您一两个小时的时间。
Manual test execution means methodically obeying the test implementation prompts and observing and noting results appropriately. 执行手动测试意味着有方法地遵守测试实现提示并适当地观察和注意结果。
The first one is obvious: Break the task down into small pieces and work your way through them methodically. 第一种方法显而易见:把你的任务分成小份,并用你自己的方法有条不紊地完成它们。
However, the approach to understanding, and methodically tackling, the problem of rural poverty in all its cultural, political and economic complexity, provides the international community invaluable lessons. 但是,这种充分了解和有条不紊地解决涉及文化、政治和经济等诸多方面的农村贫困问题的举措,可为国际社会提供宝贵经验。
Even the most seemingly gifted folks methodically and painfully worked their way to success. 即使看似最有天赋的人,也是通过艰辛而讲究方法的工作才收获成功的。
Putin has methodically targeted, through charm and cash and by fanning historical and ideological embers, the EU's weakest links in a campaign to assert influence in some of Europe's most troubled corners. 借助魅力和金钱,以及历史和意识形态的余烬,普京有计划地把目标对准了欧盟最薄弱的环节,以期巩固它对欧洲一些最动荡不安的角落的影响力。
To separate into parts or basic principles so as to determine the nature of the whole; examine methodically. 分析分成部分或基本要素来确定整体性质;用方法检验。
You need enough space to work methodically in order to gear up correctly. 你需要足够的区域来按系统进行装备的穿戴。
Be assured nothing has been left to chance, but methodically planned for the greatest day you will experience in this lifetime. 请确信没有什么事情是随机发生的,而是被系统的计划好了,为了你们将要在这个人生历程体验到的最重要时刻。
She was methodically clanging the brass bell. 她不紧不慢地、叮当地摇着铜铃。
Modern societies, however, measure risks methodically and develop proactive strategies in response. 而现代社会则会有条不紊地衡量风险,并相应制定先发制人的策略。
He methodically and placidly devoured a loaf of bread. 他只顾有条不紊,不动声色地把一整只面包都吃光。
She goes about this methodically, stacking up a series of detailed case studies to show how the humdrum activity of running a business does a lot of economic good. 她的阐述有条不紊,罗列出一系列详细的案例研究,表明经营一家企业的单调活动是如何带来很多经济益处的。
Safety, Health and Environmental matters are handled with the same sense of responsibility, and just as methodically, as issues concerning quality, productivity and cost-efficiency. 如同有关质量、生产力以及成本效率的问题一样,安全、健康和环境事务也是以同样的责任感来系统地加以处理的。
Examined carefully and methodically; broken down for consideration of constituent parts. 仔细的、系统的检查;因为考虑组成部分而被分解。
Ability to work methodically, accurately and have good all round communication skills and able to work under pressure. 系统的工作方法,良好的沟通协调能力,能够承受工作压力。
Carefully and methodically Robin began his briefing. 罗宾开始仔细而有条不紊地作简要报告。
Maja watched in wonder as her brother Albert methodically built his card buildings to14 stories. 而玛嘉却惊奇地看着她哥哥爱因斯坦能有条不紊地搭起14层纸牌高楼。
To reason methodically and logically. 推理用理性方法和逻辑进行推理。
Sure, they talked to one or two guys – but didn't do it methodically. 当然,他们会和一两个人聊一聊&但没有一套科学的方法。
Keep calm, keep a poker face and proceed methodically. 保持镇静,不要露出任何表情,继续有条不紊地干下去。
The idea of analysis is to define the system's major functions and date elements methodically. 分析阶段的目标是定义系统的主要功能和有条理地确定数据元素。
When he finished, the author blew gently to dry the ink, then methodically closed the book and tied it securely with a red satin ribbon. 当作者写完故事,他轻轻地吹干字中的墨迹,接着有条不紊地合上书,在书上牢牢地系上了一条红色的绸缎带。
This allows administrators to more methodically determine which object should be retained and which should be deleted. 这样,管理员即可更系统地确定应该保留和删除的对象。
We should, of course, proceed with this work methodically but not too slowly. 这项工作,当然要有步骤地进行,但是太慢了不行。