Of or relating to John or Charles Wesley or to methodism. 约翰或查理斯卫斯理的或卫理公会的或与之相关的。
In the 1840s American Methodism split, North against South, arguing whether his word condemned slavery or justified it. 在19世纪40年代美国的卫斯理宗分裂了,北对南,争论着他的教诲到底谴责还是批准奴隶制。
Her parents taught her the verities they believed in: Methodism, hard work, thrift and the importance of the individual. 她的父母教她懂得了他们所信仰的真理:卫斯理派,刻苦,节俭,以及个人的重要性。
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church founder of Methodism ( 1703-1791). 非洲人美以美锡安会(1703-1791)美以美教派教会的创建者。
There had been a tremendous revival of fundamentalist religion, mainly Methodism, in England, and this evangelical enthusiasm spread itself into the interests of the empire. 当时原教旨主义再次兴起,主要是英格兰的循道宗,这种传播福音的热情,蔓延到整个帝国。
The Nackground of Methodism in nationalities'region of Guizhou, Yunnan and Sichuan in modern times are: the colonial aggressions of Western big powers on China; 近现代循道公会在黔滇川多民族地区传播的历史背景为:西方列强对中国的殖民侵略;
Analysis on the Background of Methodism in Guizhou, Yunnan and Sichuan 循道公会在黔滇川传播的背景分析
Methodism in England ( 1740-1840) 工业革命时期英国卫斯理宗(1740-1840)