(基督教遵循约翰·卫斯理教义的)循道宗信徒,循道公会教徒 Methodists are Christians who follow the teachings of John Wesley and who have their own branch of the Christian church and their own form of worship.
Leadership in the temperance agitation in the north and Middle West was taken by the methodists, often more socially alert than other Protestant groups. 卫理公会教徒取得北部和中西部禁酒运动的领导权,他们往往比其它新教徒集团对社会义务更具有警觉性。
Most of the 130000 Republicans who attended the 2008 caucuses in Iowa, the first battle of the race, did indeed identify themselves as religious conservatives, as one might expect in a state settled by pious Lutherans, Methodists and Catholics. 参加2008年爱荷华州党团会议(提名角逐头一战)的13万共和党人,大多数自认是宗教保守主义者在一个居住着路德会教友、循道宗信徒和天主教徒的州,这是可以想见的。
Those closest to her were fellow methodists, and those she spent most of her time with were fellow conservatives. 同她关系密切的人部是卫理公会的教徒,交往最多的人都是保守党的伙伴。
Some groups such as the Methodists and Episcopalians have a rather strong central organization; within other groups such as the congregationalists, each individual church is relatively independent. 有些团体如卫理公会和圣公会,都有比较强有力的中央组织。在公理会等其他教内部,各个单独的会所都是相对独立的。
Most of his family are Methodists, but he is C. of E. 他家大多数人是卫理公会教徒,但他是圣公会教徒。
Some groups such as the Methodists and Episcopalians have a rather strong central organization; 有些团体如卫理公会和圣公会,都有比较强有力的中央组织。
Her parents were staunch methodists. 她的父母是忠诚的循道宗信徒。
Teeth extracted by the latest Methodists. 香港牙科诊所:由最新的卫理公会教徒给您拔牙。
Jerry Hawthorne, a lawyer for the Methodists, says: "the point at issue is whether she was a servant of man or a servant of God." 卫理公会的辩护律师,杰里•霍桑说道:“该案件的关键点在于她是为人们服务的,还是为上帝服务。”
Interchurch aid; interdenominational cooperation between Methodists and Presbyterians. 各教派联合的援助;卫理公会教派和长老会教派的派系联合。