节拍器 A metronome is a device which is used to indicate how quickly a piece of music should be played. It can be adjusted to make regular sounds at different speeds.
By using time-based scheduling, the Metronome GC can achieve consistent, deterministic, bounded pause times. 通过使用基于时间的调度,MetronomeGC可以实现一致的、确定性的、有限的暂停时间。
Metronome is designed to provide RT behavior to existing applications. Metronome的设计目的是为现有的应用程序提供RT行为。
Tuning Fork is a separate tool for tuning Metronome to suit the user application better. TuningFork是一种独立的工具,用于调优Metronome以便更好地适合用户应用程序。
GC work in Metronome is time based, and any change to the hardware clock could cause hard-to-diagnose problems. Metronome中的GC工作是基于时间的,而对硬件时钟的任何更改都可能导致难于诊断的问题。
To keep individual GC pauses short, Metronome uses write barriers within the heap and associated metastructures to track live and potentially dead objects. 为保持较短的单次GC暂停时间,Metronome在堆内使用了写屏障(writebarrier)以及相关的亚结构(metastructure)来跟踪活动的和可能死亡了的对象。
To schedule a GC quantum deterministically, Metronome dedicates the alarm thread to act as the heartbeat mechanism. 为了确定地调度GC时间量,Metronome使用alarm线程来用作心跳机制。
Although Metronome uses a series of small incremental pauses to complete a GC cycle, it must still suspend the JVM for every quantum in a STW fashion. 虽然Metronome使用一系列小的、步进式的暂停来完成一个GC循环,但是它仍然必须以STW方式为每个时间量暂停JVM。
This article explains the limitations of traditional GC for RT applications, details Metronome's approach, and presents tools and guidance for developing hard RT applications with Metronome. 本文解释了RT应用程序的传统GC的限制,详述了Metronome的方法,并且为使用Metronome开发硬RT应用程序提供了一些工具和指导。
This article's Tuning Metronome section explains what you can do if throughput or utilization is insufficient. 本文的调整Metronome一节说明了吞吐量或利用率不足时可以执行哪些操作。
To schedule deterministic pauses for GC, Metronome uses two different threads to achieve both consistent scheduling and short, uninterrupted pause times 为了给GC调度确定性暂停,Metronome使用了以下两个不同的线程来完成一致性调度和短暂连续的暂停时间
In certain situations, Metronome's short pause-time guarantees are insufficient for an application's RT characteristics. 在某些情形下,Metronome的短暂停时间保证不能满足应用程序的RT特征。
Furthermore, supporting the various aspects of the RTSJ and the Metronome garbage collector introduces some overheads into compiled code that traditional compilers need not perform. 此外,为了全面支持RTSJ以及Metronome垃圾收集器,引入了一些开销到编译的代码中,而传统编译器不需要执行这些代码。
An alternative approach, suitable for many RT applications that can tolerate very short pauses, is to use an RT garbage collector such as Metronome in WebSphere Real Time. 还有一种替代方案,适用于许多可以容忍极短暂停的RT应用程序,也就是使用一种RT垃圾收集器,例如WebSphereRealTime中的Metronome。
Metronome's approach is to divide the time that consumes GC cycles into a series of increments called quanta. Metronome的方法用于将执行GC循环的时间划分为一系列的增量,称作量子。
Metronome uses several key approaches within the J9 virtual machine to achieve deterministic pause times while guaranteeing GC's safety. Metronome使用J9虚拟机中的几个关键方法来实现确定的暂停时间,同时保证GC的安全性。
As the load increases, there's not enough time to run Metronome and write out the audit log. 随着负载的增加,不再有足够的时间来运行Metronome和写出审计日志。
Metronome is a deterministic garbage collector that offers bounded low pause times and specified application utilization for standard Java applications. Metronome是一种确定性的垃圾收集器,为标准的Java应用程序提供有限制的低暂停时间和指定的应用程序利用率。
Google co-founder Larry Page built his own book scanner, and the initial process required having someone manually turn its pages in rhythm, one at a time, according to the pace of a metronome. 谷歌联合创始人开发了自己的书籍扫描仪,刚开始时还要人跟着扫描仪的节奏来翻页。
The measure of time established by the musical tempo must be broken down into audible taps. A metronome is normally necessary to measure the rhythm. 由音乐速度确定的时间长度必须被分割成一个一个可以听得见的声点(鼓点)。
This article probes into the function and fundamentals of metronome and the role it plays in piano study. 文章就节拍器的功能、理及其在钢琴学习中的作用进行了讨论。
Only this time, two more groups were asked to eat or imagine eating to the beat of a metronome. 不过这一次又有另外两组加入了进来,或真真正正的食用这些食品活想象食用它们时的感受只不过是在特定的节奏之下。
Do not play with a metronome to increase speed. 不要为了提高速度而弹琴。
The City of Metronome is a unique third person adventure game where sound is your weapon. 节拍之城是一款用声音做武器的第三人称视点冒险解谜游戏。
The metronome ticked on slowly. 节拍器在缓慢地打拍子。
If you're looking for a metronome, you've come to the wrong place. 如果你在找一个节拍器,你已经走错了地方了。
The composer's metronome markings. 作曲家所作的节拍记号。
This may be indicated numerically by the number of beats in a second, measured mechanically by a metronome or other such device. 可以用一秒内的拍数来表示,用节拍器或类似器具来计量。
LED lighting control, LED musical metronome, LED type of engineering control chip. LED照明控制,LED音乐节拍器、LED种类工程控制芯片。
You get to venture into the city of Metronome, a sprawling mass of haphazardly built houses and huge steam engines where the outlandish inhabitants are carrying out their chores day and night. 你将进入节拍之城中冒险,这里古怪的居民在一堆凌乱建造的房子里和巨大的蒸汽发动机间从早忙到晚。