Application of digital image technology to ceramic micro-image processing 数字图像技术在陶瓷显微图像处理中的应用
Research on Measurement of Digital Micro-Image for Sprayed Droplets; Characteristics of droplet size distribution downstream of coaxial twin-fluid atomizer 显微图像雾滴粒度测量方法及其应用同轴双通道喷嘴雾化滴径沿轴向分布特性
Objective TO establish the medical micro-image processing system. 目的建立医用显微图像处理系统。
The effect of nitriding temperature and holding time on formation and grain size of Ti ( C, N) were studied by X-ray diffractometry, Electron probe microanalysis ( EPMA) and micro-image analysis. 用X射线衍射仪、电子探针、图像分析仪等研究了碳氮化处理温度及保温时间对Ti(C,N)的形成及其晶粒大小的影响。
Methods Immunohistochemical staining combined with the micro-image analysis and immunofluorescence histochemical double-staining technique were used. 方法免疫组织化学染色结合显微图像定量分析和免疫荧光双重染色。
Application of rock thin-section micro-image technique in wellsite mud logging 岩石薄片显微图像技术在现场录井中的应用
Error analysis and elimination of optical system in color micro-image input 彩色显微图像输入中光学系统的误差分析及其消除
Distribution and quantity of nerve cells positive in glutamic acid ( Glu) or γ-aminobutyric acid(γ-GABA) in the brain of mice were detected by immunohistochemical methods and micro-image analysis. 应用免疫组织化学和显微图像技术检测中毒小鼠大脑谷氨酸及γ氨基丁酸(γGABA)阳性神经细胞的分布和含量。
On-line and real-time can be achieved in displacement detecting with micro-image system by using PC machine. 实际检测结果表明,利用PC机器构成微型光学定位系统可用于实时在线位移测量。
Chinese traditional medicinal material beimu micro-image recognition based on texture 基于纹理的中药材贝母显微图像的识别
Research on Obtaining 3D Information from Plane Micro-image 从平面显微图像中提取三维位置反馈信息方法的研究
METHODS: The shape, size, membrane bending elastic modulus and shear elastic modulus of single living intact red blood cell was determined with non-invasive, in situ, real time by employing a static micro-image analyzing and a dynamic micro-image analyzing system. 方法:利用静态显微图像分析技术和动态显微图像分析技术,在无损、实时、在位的情况下,观察和测量不同温度下单个人红细胞的形态、大小、膜弯曲弹性模量和剪切弹性模量的变化。
Research on Rapid Detection of Total Bacteria in Food by Digital Micro-image Identification Technique 显微图像识别技术快速检测食品细菌总数的研究
This paper studies the interpretation method of this area in respect of core observation, gas logging, rock pyrolysis, fluorescent micro-image and interpretation plate, and discusses the application of apparent oil saturation method with a good effect. 本文从岩心观察、气测录井、岩石热解、荧光显微图像以及解释图版等多方面对该区的解释方法进行了研究,并探讨了视含油饱和度方法的应用,取得了较好效果。
Camera calibration method for micro-image measuring system 一种显微图像测量系统的标定方法
This paper discusses the relevant problem about how to develop a micro-image recognition system of human helminth eggs. 本文讨论了建立一套真彩色人体寄生虫虫卵显微图像识别系统的相关问题。
Micro-image analysis for pathological alteration in the tibial condyle of rat with experimental osteoporosis 实验性骨质疏松大鼠胫骨髁病理变化的图像分析研究
An skin color classifier with fusion of spatial and probabilistic information of pixels. Finally it uses the selected features to construct the SVM classifier. The skin micro-image can be recognized. 设计了一个空域和概率分布相融合的肤色分类器。在此基础上用支持向量机建立分类器,对皮肤显微图像进行分类识别,实验结果表明该系统的识别性能较好。
Particle size distribution of isolated droplets was measured by micro-image analyser. 显微图像仪求得了孤立小滴的粒度分布。
The procedure of image preprocessing, segmentation and feature calculation is studied and the image processing system for the measurement of lubricant wearproof property is developed based on the characteristics of the micro-image of steelball wear spots. 根据钢球磨斑显微图像的特点,研究图像的预处理、分割和特征计算的处理过程,并开发出润滑剂抗磨性能测量的图像处理系统。
Research of Automatic Recognition in System of Skin Micro-image 皮肤显微图像自动识别系统的研究
Objective To explore how to develop a micro-image recognition system for helminth eggs. 目的探讨建立寄生虫虫卵显微图像计算机自动识别系统的相关问题。
Aiming at the characteristic of the different harmful algae's micro-image, this paper studied the segmentation, feature extraction and classification of the harmful algae's image. 对赤潮生物进行显微自动摄像,根据不同赤潮生物显微图像的特点,研究图像分割,特征提取和分类器设计的处理过程。
Micro-spectrophotometry and micro-image analysis studies of activity detection on the schwann cells cultured on the bracket of tissue engineering material 组织工程材料上培养的雪旺氏细胞活性检测的显微分光光度和图像分析研究
In addition to CT technology, there is one type of analysis and processing for medical micro-image, such as erythrocyte and leukocyte classification, chromosome analysis, identification of cancer cells. 除了CT技术之外,还有一类是对医用显微图像的处理分析,如红细胞、白细胞分类,染色体分析,癌细胞识别等。
In this paper, the fiber micro-image acquisition system is designed and ameliorated, which includes light source choosing, the manner of image acquisition, as well system design. 本文设计了新型的纤维显微图像采集系统,主要包括:部分光学系统设计、光源选择、滤光器设计、图像采集方法的确定以及系统设计。
The article includes system introduction in whole scale, working principle of the hardware, image correcting-processing pipeline and several important micro-image analyzing algorithms. 涵盖了系统的整体结构说明、硬件工作原理、图像校正处理流程和基于显微图像的几种重要的分析处理算法,其中后两个方面是本文的主要部分。
It is a novel attempt to make use of the machine vision technology to study the kind of biomedical micro-image domain such as drosophila and mini-type samples. 该项工作是机器视觉技术应用于医学图像领域尤其是诸如果蝇之类的细小生物样本的显微成像方面的新尝试,并且是一个非常值得研究的方向。
Especially, the comparison of the shape and size changes of cells in micro-image under different pathological states, can provide new scientific foundation for pathological analysis and disease diagnosis. 特别是通过比较显微图像中细胞在不同病理状态下形态和大小等特征的变化,可以为病理分析和病情诊断提供新的科学依据。
The medical micro-image is an important basis for clinical doctors and experts to diagnose the disease. Medical image segmentation technology that is used to extract the target interested for doctors to clinical diagnosis and medical research. 医学显微图像是临床医生和专家进行疾病诊断的重要依据,而医学图像分割技术就是从图像中提取出医师感兴趣的观察目标,以便于进行临床诊断和医学研究。