Microdevice based on SMA thin film was fabricated, and its deformation behavior was analyzed. 利用薄膜热相变特性制成了微驱动器,观察并分析了该器件的形变特性。
Research on applications for PCR biochip/ microdevice in detecting microbes PCR生物芯片/微装置在微生物检测中应用研究
Applications of Polymerase Chain Reaction Biochip/ Microdevice Technology in the Clinical Diagnosis 聚合酶链式反应生物芯片/微装置技术在疾病诊断中的应用
To satisfy the requirement of MEMS development to testing system, based on techniques of stroboscopic imaging and virtual instruments, a stroboscopic synchronous control system is designed so that the clear images about high-speed microdevice can be captured. 为了满足MEMS发展对测试系统的需求,基于频闪成像技术,设计了一套频闪同步控制系统,用于采集高速运动的MEMS器件的清晰图像。
The applications of PCR biochip/ microdevice including the micro-chamber stationary PCR and the continuous-flow PCR are specially introduced in the fields of the detection for microbes-E. coli and war agents. 介绍PCR生物芯片/微装置(包括反应池内固定扩增式和连续流动式)在微生物埃希氏大肠杆菌(E.coli)和微生物战剂检测中的应用。
Precise temperature control for reaction microchannel in the SD-PCR chip/ microdevice becomes one of vital factors of performing successfully DNA amplification. 空域PCR芯片/微装置系统中精确的温度控制是DNA成功扩增的关键因素之一。
Temperature-controlled technology for space domain PCR chip/ microdevice 空域PCR芯片/微装置中温度控制技术
By use of the femtosecond laser with extreme high pulse intensity and the microscope with high numerical aperture, it is possible to fabricate the three dimensional microdevice and to process three dimensional optical data storage. 利用具有极高脉冲光强的飞秒激光器和对光束进行强聚焦的显微镜装置可以制造具有亚微米精度的三维微器件以及进行三维高密度信息存储。
PCR biochip/ microdevice is increasingly of great interest as a result of its small volume of sample and reaction mixture, short reaction period and portability. PCR生物芯片/微装置由于具有所需样品和反应混合物体积小、反应时间短、轻便等优点倍受人们关注。
Integrated PCR biochip is a kind of microdevice fabricated from silicon, glass and polymers by micro-electro-mechanical system, which can carry out a series of consecutive micro-processes, such as sample preparation, PCR and/ or hybridization on a single chip. 集成化PCR生物芯片是利用微电子机械系统技术将PCR与样品制备、杂交分析等过程集成到单一芯片上的微装置。
Under ideal condition,μ-TAS can intergrate very course of conventional chemical experiments in the laboratory in the same microdevice, which also is a recent technology in current science study. 理想状态下,μ-TAS技术可以将实验室中进行的各种传统化学操作过程,集成在同一个微型装置中进行,也是当今科学研究的前沿技术。