So scientists sent more than 20,000 sputum samples from 10,000 patients in Tanzania to be analyzed microscopically. 因此,科学家们寄出2万份来自1万名坦桑尼亚患者的唾液样本,并用显微镜来分析。
Microscopically, should respect the objective reality and accumulate answerable experiences. 微观上要尊重客观现实,积累应对经验。
It is not perhaps generally known that the scales of no two trout are alike: I mean microscopically alike in the sense that no two sets of finger-prints correspond. 并非广为人知的一点,两条鳟鱼的鱼鳞决不相同:这种显微镜下的差异就如同两套指纹不可能相同一样。
Microscopically, metastatic infiltrating ductal carcinoma from breast is seen on the right, with normal liver parenchyma on the left. 镜下可见,右侧为乳腺浸润性导管癌的转移灶,左侧为正常肝实质。
This neoplasm microscopically contained mainly teratoma, but areas of embryonal carcinoma were also present. 另外在显微镜下主要是畸胎瘤,但也有胚胎癌存在。
Mesotheliomas have either spindle cells or plump rounded cells forming gland-like configurations, as seen here at high power microscopically. 图示间皮瘤内既有梭形细胞又有饱满的圆形细胞,二者形成类似腺体的外形。
Microscopically, fat necrosis is seen here. 脂肪坏死。
The gross of tumor appears as border clear, quality medium-sized ashen round tubercle, microscopically, larger cells with transparent cytoplasm were seen and arranged in disperse or the nest bulk. 肿瘤肉眼可见为边界清楚、质地中等的灰白色圆形结节,镜下可见细胞体积较大、胞浆透明,呈弥散或巢团状排列。
Microscopically, the ace has a mixture of inflammatory cells, but the wall of the ace is "organizing" with ingrowth of capillaries and fibroblasts. 脓肿灶组成镜下,脓肿灶内有大量炎细胞,但脓肿壁由毛细血管和成纤维细胞组成。
Microscopically, the ulcer here is sharply demarcated, with normal gastric mucosa on the left falling away into a deep ulcer whose base contains infamed, necrotic debris. 显微镜下所示的是胃溃疡的黏膜面与正常的胃粘膜分界清楚,胃溃疡包含了较深的渗出层和坏死层。
Microscopically, Crohn's disease is characterized by transmural inflammation. 显微镜下Crohn病的特点是穿壁性炎症。
Microscopically, the inflammation of ulcerative colitis is confined primarily to the mucosa. Here, the mucosa is eroded by an ulcer that undermines surrounding mucosa. 显微镜,溃疡性结肠炎最初限制在黏膜,溃疡破坏局部粘膜同时逐渐破坏周围粘膜。
Microscopically the ores are medium grained to amorphous. 显微镜下,矿石为中粒至非晶质。
Here is a testicular neoplasm that is mostly teratoma, but embryonal carcinoma and seminoma were found microscopically. 主要成分为畸胎瘤的睾丸肿瘤,但在显微镜下胚胎癌和精原细胞瘤都可找到。
He studied microscopically the statistics of trade. 他极仔细地研究了贸易统计数字。
Results The vacuolar, granular, amoeboid and cyst forms of B.h and transformation among the forms were observed microscopically. 结果通过形态学研究观察到空泡型、颗粒型、阿米巴型及包囊型以及各型之间的相互转化。
Microscopically, acute rheumatic carditis is marked by a peculiar form of granulomatous inflammation with so-called "Aschoff nodules" seen best in myocardium. 显微镜下可清楚地见到特殊的炎性肉芽肿形态(被称为Aschoff小体),急性风湿性心脏炎的特征。
Microscopically, acute appendicitis is marked by mucosal inflammation and necrosis. 显微镜下,急性阑尾炎的粘膜炎症和坏死非常明显。
Hemochromatosis, with excessive iron deposition, can occur in the heart as shown here microscopically with Prussian blue iron stain. 血色素沉着症是由于铁过度的沉积而引起的。如图所示,经过普鲁士蓝铁染色后可见该病显微镜下的表现。
Microscopically, the fibrous pleural plaque is composed of dense layers of collagen. 镜下纤维性胸膜斑由数层致密的胶原纤维组成。
The hemorrhages seen here in the temporal lobe are due to Herpes simplex virus infection. Viral infections produce mononuclear cell infiltrates microscopically. 单纯疱疹病毒感染致颞叶出血。显微镜下,病毒感染引起单核细胞浸润。
Microscopically, the aortic atheromatous plaque is thicker than the remaining media at the right. 动脉粥样斑块比右边残存的动脉中膜要厚。
At present, the inspiring mechanism of college young volunteers should be set up macroscopically and microscopically. 当前需要从宏观和微观两个层面建立起高校青年志愿者激励机制。
Microscopically, the tear ( arrow) in this aorta extends through the media, but blood also dissects along the media ( asterisk). 镜下见主动脉的破裂(箭头所指)贯穿整个中膜,而且可见中膜血液渗出(星号所指)。
Microscopically with cirrhosis, the regenerative nodules of hepatocytes are surrounded by fibrous coective tiue that bridges between portal tracts. 用显微镜观察肝硬化,肝细胞再生结节被桥接汇管区的纤维结缔组织包绕。
It's a microscopically small house. 那是幢极其微小的房子。
The schwannoma is seen microscopically to be composed of spindle cells ( like most neoplasms of mesenchymal origin), but the cells are fairly uniform and there is plenty of pink cytoplasm. 镜下,许旺氏细胞瘤象多数间充质来源的肿瘤一样,由梭形细胞组成,细胞大小形态一致,胞浆粉红。
Microscopically, this bile duct in a case of sclerosing cholangitis is surrounded by marked collagenous connective tissue deposition. 镜下可见,硬化性胆管炎患者的胆管周围环绕着明显的胶原结缔组织。
I'm going to examine this tissue microscopically. 我会用显微镜检查一下成分。