The pulse is usually timed in microseconds. 脉冲通常以微秒计。
One-way hashes could be used by eliminating some of the precision in the microseconds values, but this exercise is best left to readers wanting to evaluate the risks on their own. 排除毫秒值中一些精度是一种可用的方法,但是这种练习就留给那些希望自行对系统风险进行评估的读者好了。
Even the worst-case timing figures in my tests showed reflection operations taking only a few microseconds. 即使测试中最坏情况下的计时图显示的反射操作只耗用几微秒。
The knock sequences are currently stored as4-9 digit representations of the delay in microseconds in the~/. knockFile. 敲打序列目前是以4到9个数字在~/.knockFile中进行存储的,它们以毫秒为单位来表示延时。
In practice, achieving response times below tens of microseconds requires a combination of custom hardware and software, possibly with no or a very thin operating-system layer. 在实践中,要使响应时间小于几十微秒,需要组合定制的软硬件,很可能没有(或者有非常薄的)操作系统层。
The libevent timer uses the timeval structure, which allows timers to be specified in both seconds and microseconds. libevent计时器使用timeval结构,允许按秒和毫秒指定计时器。
RT scheduling latencies have been improved by three orders of magnitude and can now be measured roughly in tens of microseconds. 这三个等级的执行顺序将改善RT调度延迟,并且可以粗略测量为几十微秒。
IBM solidDB provides throughput measured in the range of tens-to-hundreds of thousands of transactions per second while consistently achieving response times ( or latency) measured in microseconds. IBMsolidDB可以提供每秒数万至数十万事务的吞吐率,并且始终可以获得微秒级的响应时间(或延时)。
The entire call must be set up in300 milliseconds, which means these database queries must be done in microseconds, says Valtanen. 整个呼叫必须在300毫秒内建立,这意味着这些数据库查询必须在数微秒内完成,Valtanen说道。
RDMA allows each member in the cluster to directly access memory in the PowerHA pureScale server, and vice versa, in microseconds. RDMA使集群中的每个成员可以在数微秒内直接访问PowerHApureScale服务器中的内存,反之亦然。
This Instant Search feature saves the user a few microseconds with each entry. 该即时搜索功能为每位用户的每次搜索都节省了若干毫秒。
The amount of processing time in microseconds used to process failed decertification requests. 用于处理失败的吊销请求的处理时间长度(以微秒计)。
The LSE had long been criticised on speed and reliability, grappling with trading speeds of several hundred microseconds. LSE很早以前就抱怨速度和可靠性,几百微秒才能处理一笔交易。
Worst-case transition latency in microseconds 最坏情况的中转延迟,单位为微秒
Certification quota extension total processing time in microseconds. 证书配额扩展总处理时间(以微秒计)。
We have milliseconds, we have microseconds we have days, weeks, hours, centuries, months all derived units. 还有单位类似毫秒、微秒,有日、周、小时、世纪、月等,这些都是导出单位。
Within a few hundreds of microseconds, detonation is complete. 在几百微秒之内,爆炸便完成了。
Kernel of multi-microprocessor operating system Activation failed processing time in microseconds. 多微处理机操作系统核心激活操作失败的处理时间(以微秒计)。
Certification add new user database update processing time in microseconds. 证书添加新用户数据库更新处理时间(以微秒计)。
In order to meet the resolution requirement of hundreds of microseconds, microsecond global clock synchronization must be achieved in Sequence of Event ( SOE) system. 为了满足事件顺序记录(SOE)系统数百微秒级分辨率的要求,系统必须实现精确到微秒级的全局时钟同步。
Average processing time spent per Sub-enroll request in microseconds. 每条注册子过程请求的平均处理时间(以微秒计)。
The control software was compiled with RISC assemble language, its instruction period reached several microseconds, the safe shoot of slow-shooter gun was realized. 控制软件用RISC汇编编写,其指令周期达几微秒,实现了慢射手枪的安全电击发。
The dynamic SIF variation was found to lag behind the stress-pulse impingement by several microseconds. 人们发现,动态应力强度因子的变化滞后于应力脉冲冲击几微秒。
No matter how rapidly the human eye can blink, a computer trading system on Wall Street has already left it for dust carrying out a transaction 1,000 times faster, at just 400 microseconds. 不管人类的眼睛能眨多快,面对华尔街的电脑交易系统也是望尘莫及电脑交易系统执行一笔交易仅需400微秒,比人类眨眼的速度快了1000倍。
Activation failed processing time in microseconds. 激活操作失败的处理时间(以微秒计)。
A few microseconds may not sound much, but it is just about enough to perform some basic operations. 几个微秒听起来或许不长,但刚好足以进行某些基本运算。