Anti-GOR antibodies were measured by an indirect ELISA in which synthesized GOR peptides were conjugated with BSA and bound to microwell plate. Detection of anti-GOR and its clinical significance 用人工合成的GOR肽与BSA交联后包被反应板,作为捕获抗原,建立了检测GOR抗体的间接ELISA。GOR抗体的ELISA测定法及临床初步应用
Methods Sensitive test of bacteria were carried out by broth dilution method on96 microwell plate. 方法采用体外液体稀释法测定细菌敏感性。
Methods On microwell plate capture probe was coated HBV X gene frangment; 方法在微孔板上包被HBVx基因片段的捕获探针;
Methods: To apply microwell DNA hybridization technique to detect the hybridization rates of dU-DNA PCR products. 方法:采用微孔板DNA杂交技术检测PCR扩增dU-DNA杂交效果。
The response of cells to anti-tumour drugs estimated by limiting dilution in microwell culture 极限稀释法微孔池培养测定细胞对抗癌药物的剂量反应曲线
Methods: By using microwell titer plate coated with partial purified human brain antigen and horseradish enzyme conjugated SPA, indirect ELISA was employed to detect auto antibody to brain antigen in serum. 方法:用部分纯化的人脑抗原包被微孔塑料测定板,建立测定抗脑抗体的间接ELISA法。
Results Two methods was similar in results for three mutagens. For KCl, however, a negative result was showed in soft agar method while a positive result was showed in microwell method. 结果两种方法检出三种诱变剂的结果基本一致,但对KCl而言,琼脂平皿法检测结果为阴性,而微孔平板法检测结果为阳性。
Methods in this study, two methods ( microwell method and soft agar method) were used for detecting and evaluating the mutagenesis of three positive mutagens, i.e. MMS, EMS, and MMC, and a non-mutagen KCl. 方法同时使用琼脂平皿法和微孔平板法对四种化学物(MMS、EMS、MMC、KCl)的致突变性进行检测与评价。
Thymidine kinase gene mutation assay-comparison of microwell method and soft agar method TK基因突变试验&琼脂平皿法与微孔平板法的比较
Our results fully demonstrate that the microwell chip based multiplex PCR is a universal and powerful method for rapid, effective and convenient detection multiple targeted genes or species simultaneously, and has a great potential for practical application. 这些结果充分证明了基于微孔阵列芯片的多重PCR策略具有通用性,能够方便的针对多个基因或多种微生物进行快速、高效、便捷地同步检测,具有实际应用的潜力。