In mid-July, according to the Federal Reserve, which reports the figures with a lag, banks had$ 7.33 trillion in loans outstanding. 7月中旬,美联储(FederalReserve)公布带有时滞的数据显示,美国银行业贷款余额达到了7.33万亿美元。
David Beckham will visit every Major League Soccer city after his U.S. arrival in mid-July, and television viewers will see lots of him. 大卫.贝克汉姆在七月中旬到达美国后将走遍美国职业大联盟足球队所在的每一个城市,电视观众将有幸目睹他的风采。
Tripoli airport has been closed since mid-July, and the Libyan government said over the weekend that it no longer has control of the capital. 的黎波里机场自七月中旬开始关闭,利比亚政府称不逾周末,将丧失对首都的控制。
Implement a home-related project in mid-July and plan to end it in late August. 它会在七月中旬实施并计划在8月下旬结束。
The European Banking Authority plans in mid-July to release results for the tests, which will assess whether 90 banks have enough capital to survive an economic and housing downturn. 欧盟银行管理局(EuropeanBankingAuthority,简称EBA)计划于7月中旬发布测试结果。此次测试将评估90家银行,看看它们是否拥有足够的资本来抵挡经济和房地产业的下滑。
In his open letter, Mr Buffett said he would begin a two-month treatment of daily radiation from mid-July and would inform shareholders of any changes in his health. 巴菲特在公开信中表示,他将在从7月中旬开始的两个月中,每日接受放射治疗。如果病情出现变化,他将会通知各位股东。
The expectant couple's office at Kensington Palace has refused to confirm the Duchess of Cambridge's exact due date, but the mom-to-be let slip during an appearance earlier this year that she's due in mid-July. 这对满心期待的夫妇在肯辛顿宫殿的办公室拒绝确认剑桥公爵夫人确切的生产日期,但这位准妈妈今年早些时候露面时无意中说漏了嘴,她在7月中旬生产。
My doctors and I have decided on a two-month treatment of daily radiation to begin in mid-July. 医生和我本人决定,从7月中旬开始进行为期两个月的每日放疗。
The transaction was started in mid-July and took just two and a half months to close, according to CIC, which had total assets of about$ 298bn at the end of last year. 据中投介绍,这宗交易是在7月中旬启动的,花了两个半月时间完成。截至去年底,中投拥有2980亿美元的总资产。
By mid-July, Thain had abandoned the idea of selling BlackRock, but Fink and some of Thain's top deputies had already begun to question his authority. 到了7月中旬,塞恩已经放弃了出售贝莱德的想法,但芬克和塞恩的一些高级副手已开始质疑他的权威。
The WTO is expected to issue a preliminary ruling on a companion case filed by the European Union against the US over alleged subsidies paid to Boeing in mid-July. 预计世贸组织将在7月中旬对欧盟(eu)就所谓的美国向波音支付补贴提起的相关申诉做出初步裁定。
The tablet will ship in mid-July to the US, UK and other countries. 这款平板电脑将于7月中旬向美国、英国和其他一些国家同步发运。
By mid-July, prices were rising strongly again. 到7月中旬,股价开始再次强劲上涨。
The bill will now go to the Senate, although that vote has delayed until mid-July, ending President Barack Obama's hope of signing the bill into law by the end of the week. 尽管此法案的投票仪式将会推迟倒七月中旬才呈现倒美国参议院进行投票,并没有赶得上在总统奥巴马想的在本星期末把此法案签署成具有法律效令的希望。
But in the middle of the market panic of mid-July, both sides of the trade suddenly went into reverse. 但在7月中旬市场的恐慌状态中,此类交易的多空双方突然掉转了仓位。
Meteor shower begin in earnest in mid-July. 流星雨真正开始是在七月中旬。
In mid-July, I will go on a journey in Guangxi province with my sister. 七月中旬,我会和妹妹一起去广西省。
In mid-July, ABCP investors refused to roll over some of these notes. 7月中旬,资产支持商业票据投资者拒绝对其中一些票据进行再投资。
In mid-July I went to Huangshan and Anhui for an extended weekend trip. 7月中旬,在一次大的周末旅行中,我去了黄山和安徽的其他景点。
In mid-July I became convinced that it was necessary to make a major move to break the deadlock in the Paris talks. 在七月中旬,我已经确信,这有必要开始大调步的行动去打破在巴黎谈话的僵局。
And Australia began human trials for vaccine in mid-July, AFP reports. 法新社报道说,澳大利亚在7月中旬开始了疫苗的人体实验。
The carmaker had hoped to sign a deal by mid-July, but the failure to reach a deal so far could delay this target by several weeks. 该汽车制造商曾希望在7月中旬前签署协议,但协议迄今未能达成,可能会使这个目标延迟数周实现。
In practice it is managed as a crawling peg against the dollar, which has risen 17 per cent in trade-weighted terms since mid-July. 表面上,人民币是与一篮子其它货币挂钩;实际上,它是爬行盯住美元。自7月中旬以来,美元的贸易加权汇率已上升了17%。
The three were supposed to submit final bids for Volvo in mid-July, and Ford had intended to choose a buyer relatively quickly. 这三家企业已经在七月中旬提交了最终投标,而福特将很快选择一个买家。
In mid-July Lu Qiang, founder of an outlet mall on the outskirts of Shanghai, told a Chinese newspaper that he had indirectly acquired 13 per cent of Prada and was planning to buy another 20 per cent to become its single largest shareholder. 今年7月中旬,上海市郊一家工厂直销购物中心的创办人陆强向一家中国报纸透露,自己已间接获得了普拉达13%的股份,并且正计划再购买20%的股份,从而成为该品牌的最大股东。
Shiseido becomes the first Japanese cosmetics group to enter the Balkan countries of Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia when it starts selling its products there from mid-July. 资生堂(Shiseido)从7月中旬起,开始在阿尔巴尼亚、科索沃和马其顿销售产品,从而成为首家进军巴尔干国家的日本化妆品集团。
One hot day in mid-July, the airplane from Beijing having touched down at Changi Airport, I started my tour of Singapore, a land I had longed to visit. 7月中旬的一天,我从夏日炎炎的北京飞抵樟宜机场,来到心仪已久的岛国,开始了新加坡之旅。
The hotel is closed until mid-July. 这个饭店要到七月中旬才营业。