Middlesex defeated Derbyshire by bowling out the opposition. 米德尔塞克斯队将德比郡队的所有队员都投杀出局,击败了对方。
Middlesex cricketers Gatting and Emburey are hardly flavour of the month. 米德尔塞克斯郡板球选手盖廷和恩伯里很难说是当红人物。
The hallowed turf of Twickenham is the venue for the Middlesex Rugby Sevens Finals 备受尊崇的特威肯纳姆体育场是米德尔塞克斯七人制橄榄球赛决赛的比赛场地。
Armed City of London Police officers are still hunting for the two men who are still at large and their search focused on an underground car park and caused the Middlesex Street Estate, east London to be put on lockdown. 伦敦武警仍在追捕在逃的两名抢匪,他们主要集中搜查一个地下停车场,并封锁了东伦敦密德萨斯街区。
Kester, now 26, currently teaches at Middlesex School outside of Boston. 现年26岁的凯斯特目前在波士顿城郊的米德尔塞克斯学校任教。
He hopes to install them by the end of this year in his experimental fusion reactor, which Lerner operates at the Friendly Storage premises in Middlesex, a place otherwise full of surplus boxes and furniture. 勒那希望在年底前将铍电极安装在LPP那台试验性的聚变反应堆上,这个反应堆设置在米德尔塞克斯市的一处库房里,那个地方原本堆满了箱子和家具。
I have applied for a student visa to attend the MBA program of Middlesex College. 我申请学生签证在米德塞科斯学院学习基础的工商管理硕士学位。
In1997, researchers at England's Middlesex University tested creative thinking in a group of63 volunteers after they'd finished an aerobic workout and then after they'd sat around watching a video. 塞克斯大学的研究人员对63名志愿者进行实验,分别在他们完成增氧运动后和坐着不动看完录像后测试了他们的创造性思维。
Middlesex has chosen to delay a new emergency room at one of his hospitals for at least a year and half. 梅德尔赛克斯医院已经延迟了其中一个分院的新急诊室的建设至少一年半。
Esprit, from Staines, Middlesex, denies fraud and theft charges. 易斯比瑞特否认诈骗和盗窃指控。
He was ably assisted by a number of members from the Middlesex branches. 他得到来自米德尔塞克斯群众支部多位成员的大力帮助。
Now professor of environmental planning at Middlesex University in england, Giradet has just completed a study on london's effect on the planet. 国米德尔塞克斯大学环境规划学教授刚刚完成了一项“伦敦对地球的影响”的研究。
No wonder he is the member for middlesex. 难怪大家说他是中性人。
Middlesex University Business School is modern and innovative school of Middlesex University based in North London. 位于伦敦北部的米德萨斯大学商学院是米德萨斯大学中一所现代化的、富于创新的学院。