Make sure there are enough pillows to support the neck and head in the midline position, thereby preventing the head and neck tilting forward or back. 采用“中线”睡姿时,一定要确保有足够多的枕头来支撑你的头部和脖子,以免让头和脖子前后倾斜。
Traditional posterior midline open approaches disrupt the function of this muscle through tendon detachment, devascularization, and crush injury. 传统中线切开式手术使肌腱离断、血运阻断和挤压损伤,进而破坏了这些肌肉的功能。
( anatomy) directed away from the midline or mesial plane of the body. (解剖学)朝向远离身体的中线或者中间平面的地方。
Location: flat first intercostal space, 6 inches away from the midline before. 位置:平第一肋间隙,距前正中线6寸。
Magnetic resonance imaging showed a large left middle cerebral artery-territory infarct, without shift of the midline or evidence of bleeding. 磁共振示左侧大脑中动脉区域有大面积梗塞,但没有中线移位或出血的证据。
A posterior midline incision is made, centered on the affected level. 手术切口位于后正中线,以受侵袭的节段为中心。
Measurement showed the septum pellucidi deviated from falx cerebrum and midline. 透明隔移位的测量提示透明隔偏离大脑镰及中线。
Located away from the midline of a vessel or aircraft. 处于船只或者飞机远离中线的地方。
There was no difference in the midline shift, compression of basal cistern after operation and other postoperative complications. 术后中线移位、环池受压情况及术后脑积水、硬膜下积液发生率比较均无明显差异。
The hard palate is divided in the midline, care being taken to preserve the soft palate. 于中线切开硬腭时,需注意保护软腭。
The rhomboids retract the scapulae, drawing them towards the midline and opening the chest. 菱形肌收缩肩骨,使其向中线的方向靠拢,从而打开胸廓。
Magnetic resonance image ( not shown) confirmed a congenital midline cyst associated with extensive cortical dysplasia and heterotopic gray matter. 核磁共振(未显示)显像证明为先天性囊肿并广泛性皮质发育不良,灰质异位。
Posterior approach via hypogastric midline incision in repair of recurrent inguinal hernia 下腹正中小切口后入路修补腹股沟复发疝的疗效分析
Anatomical Analysis of the Exposure of the Midline Skull Base by the Extended Transsphenoidal Approach and Le fort ⅰ Osteotomy 不同方式扩大经蝶入路与LeFortⅠ型上颌骨截骨术颅底中线部位的解剖研究
Brain MRI and CT scans on day2 revealed progression of the lesion, with partial hemorrhagic change, acute brain swelling, and severe midline shift. 第2天脑MRI和CT扫描发现病变进展,伴有部分出血改变、急性脑肿胀和严重中线移位。
After through the dura, the artery was divided into ascending and descending branches with a sharp angle. This is holoprosencephaly in which there is a single large ventricle with fusion of midline structures, including thalami. 腰膨大动脉穿硬膜后于脊髓前正中裂分为升、降两支,其与降支夹角成锐角;前脑无裂畸形,是一个较大正中线结构消失的脑室,包括丘脑。
The mesial is the surfaces of the tooth that faces toward the front or midline of the mouth. 近中面是一个牙齿面向口腔的前方或中线的面。
In midline, the anterior and posterior layers of the rectus sheath fuse to separate the2 recti and form the linea alba. 在正中线,腹直肌鞘前层和后层融合形成白线,将两侧腹直肌分开。
The7 chakras are the centers of energy along the midline of your body. 这七个轮穴是你身体中线的能量中心。
Objective To differentiate malignant granuloma ( MG) from midline lymphoma ( ML) by radiotherapy. 与中线淋巴瘤两种疾病的关系。
Open the uterus with a midline vertical incision. 在子宫中线部位切一个垂直的切口。
The midline lumbosacral area, the sacroiliac joint region, the posterosuperior iliac spine, the high iliac crest area, and the low midline sacrococcygeal region are all included in the back. 腰背部包括腰骶中线区、骶髂关节区域、髂部后上棘、髂骨嵴以上范围和骶尾部。
The irregular posterior fossa mass that is seen here near the midline of the cerebellum and extending into the fourth ventricle above the brainstem is a medulloblastoma. 不规则颅后窝肿块即髓母细胞瘤,在小脑中线附近并且延伸至脑干之上的第四脑室。
The pain was confined to the midline and was aggravated by heavy labor. 这疼痛局限于正中线,因吃力的劳动而加剧。
A caudal ventral midline coeliotomy from umbilicus to pubis should be performed. 由脐到耻骨之腹中线作腹部切开。
The traditional midline posterior approach for lumbar decompression and fusion traumatizes some paraspinous tissue. 传统后方中线入路进行腰椎减压融合使一些棘突旁组织受到损伤。
This is holoprosencephaly in which there is a single large ventricle with fusion of midline structures, including thalami. 前脑无裂畸形,是一个较大正中线结构消失的脑室,包括丘脑。
The patient underwent midline posterior fossa craniotomy and tumor excision, with prompt relief of gaze palsy. 患者接受了后颅窝中线切开术和肿瘤切除术,凝视性麻痹立即缓解。
Objective To estimate outcomes of patients with acute subdural hematomas by analysing the hematoma thickness, midline shift and the differences between them. 目的分析急性外伤性硬膜下血肿的血肿厚度、中线移位及其差值在判断患者预后中的作用。