He was struck by a stabbing pain in his midriff. 他突然感到腹部一阵剧烈疼痛。
''There had been complaints from patients about members of staff baring their midriff and problems with health and safety as some had been wearing sandals. 病人曾投诉医生护士穿露脐装,以及穿凉鞋时带来的健康和安全问题。
Nogiri, the flower shop owner, entered a booth where he bared his midriff, exposing a flat stomach with barely discernible love handles. 那位花店店主,进入一间小房间,在那里他把上衣卷到膈下,很粗鲁地显露出平坦的腹部。
These pseudo mini-hats send me hurtling down memory's byways to my boarding school, where the dress code allowed girls to wear anything except shorts and midriff tops but required the boys to don jackets and ties. 这些伪迷你帽让我的思绪飞到我住在寄宿学校的时候,那里的校规允许女孩们穿任何服装,除了短裤和露脐装,但要求男孩子要穿外套、打领带。
This pushes your breasts high, and tightens midriff muscles. 这个动作推高了你的胸部,收紧了你上腹部的肌肉。
The authors suggest that there are plausible biological explanations for a link between gallstones and the midriff bulge. 作者认为有很多的合理的生物解释证明胆石症与鼓胀的腰围有关。
Many of the mistakes that grown women make fall into the category of revealing too much, as in baring your midriff ( unless you're at the beach). 另外,成年女性犯的错误中很多都属于暴露太多,例如:暴露肚脐(除非你在海滩)。
Urethral ball gland: Control each one, be located in uric reproduction midriff between fluctuation muscle film perineal inside deep pocket, mouth at ball ministry urethral close end. 尿道球腺:左右各一,位于尿生殖膈上下筋膜之间的会阴深囊内,开口于球部尿道近端。
He was up to his midriff in hot water. 他泡在齐膈深的热水里。
Ooh, ooh, the halter with the bare midriff, oh, and my black hip-huggers. 噢,噢,那件像绳索一样,上腹部什么装饰都没有的,并且还显得臀部很大。
Just as I had it taped, just as I was in the zone, I became aware of a chap beaming and pointing at his midriff. 在我录这些话的时候,我已经身处后台了,当时我注意到一个笑呵呵的小伙子正指着他的肚子。
As for that wretch, he felt for my pulse and listened for my breath to be sure I was dead, then kicked me in the midriff, carried me to the edge of the well, raised me up and dropped me below. 而那个混蛋,他试了试我的脉搏、听了听我的呼吸,确定我确实死亡之后,踹着我的肚子,把我挪到了井边,搬起我扔进了井里。
Her tan from working outdoors in shorts and midriff tops accented the whole outfit. ladies& men's leather trousers made out of nappa and suede 她平时穿着短裤短衫在田间劳动而晒黑了的皮肤衬托得全套服饰更加鲜亮。男女皮革光面绒面皮裤
She wore a short T-shirt that revealed her midriff. 她穿了件露出上腹部的t恤衫。
Since his arms are about waist-high on the young man, Uncle gently hugs him round his midriff. 由于他的手臂刚好触到青年的腰,他只能轻轻地抱住他的腹部。
Because midriff flesh is nervous, had better use pectoral type breath. 由于膈肌紧张,最好采用胸式呼吸。
Objective To solve the returning obstacles of the lower limbs veins ( during no liver period) in liver transplantation through clamping the front part of the inferior vena cava in liver below the midriff. 目的探讨采用膈下肝段下腔静脉壁前半部钳夹,解决肝移植术中无肝期下肢静脉回流障碍。
Seven patients were suffering from chronic renal failure, 2 patients of them with nose midriff perforation, 2 patients with blindness. 7例表现为慢性肾衰,其中鼻中隔穿孔2例、失明2例;
Image noise and grain artifacts were present in lung apexes above the level of the aortic arch and lung bottom below the midriff. 图像噪声明显、颗粒较粗大主要出现在主动脉弓以上肺尖区域和膈顶以下背侧区域。