Plastic surgery could bring relief to millions people who suffer from migraines. 整形手术或许能给几百万偏头疼患者带来福音。
He says months can pass without a headache. But then he will have three migraines within a month. 有时,他可以数月不头痛,但接着也可能一个月内会犯3次偏头痛。
Herzog and Simons are optimistic about the prospects for making progress against migraines. 荷佐和赛门斯对于治疗偏头痛的未来进展颇为乐观。
The number of managers suffering from health problems, such as stress, digestive problems, depression, migraines and respiratory complaints, has also risen over the last five years. 遇到压力、消化问题、压抑和呼吸系统疾病等健康问题的管理者人数,在近五年中也上升了。
Some experts believe this is because women also are more prone to getting migraines, and migraine sufferers have a higher rate of motion sickness. Or women may simply report motion sickness symptoms more often. 有些专家认为这是因为女性也更容易得偏头痛,而偏头痛患者患晕动病的几率也更高;但或者这也只是因为女性比男性更经常报告自己的晕动病症状。
Patent foramen ovale might increase your risk of stroke and migraines, but the evidence isn't clear. 卵圆孔未闭会增加卒中和偏头痛的发病危险,其原理尚不清楚。
The experience had brought on one of her migraines. 这次经历引得她偏头痛发作了一次。
There are now many alternative and natural treatments to help people who suffer from headaches and migraines. 现在有许多其他的和自然疗法,帮助人们谁遭受头痛和偏头痛。
My doctor said Botox relaxes the head and neck muscles that cause migraines. 我的医生说,肉毒杆菌可以舒缓头部和颈部这些引起头痛的肌肉。
Even my migraines are completely gone. 连我的偏头痛都好了。
My headaches are so-called migraines which recur all the time. 我的头痛又叫偏头痛,老是不停发作。
And a phenomenon of'weekend headaches'accounts for roughly one-third of all migraines and one-sixth of tension headaches. 约有三分之一的偏头痛以及六分之一的紧张性头痛与“周末头痛症”现象有关。
Hallucinations with migraines are pretty uncommon. 由偏头痛引发的幻觉很少见。
The researchers also found that, if timed correctly, transdermal estrogen therapy may prevent these migraines. 研究人员同时发现,如果治疗时机恰当,经皮雌激素治疗能够预防偏头痛的发生。
Migraines can also be characterized in terms of flexibility and resiliency. 偏头痛也可以说是大脑弹性和机动性方面的问题。
He's got bad migraines, postconcussive syndrome. 偏头痛厉害是脑震荡后遗症。
Which is ironic for a drug that was originally used to treat migraines. 对这种原本是用来治疗偏头痛的药物而言,真是一种讽刺。
It's important to understand that no one doubts these kids suffer from migraines. 很重要的是推断他们的孩子患有偏头痛这个无庸置疑的诊断。
Migraines are usually characterized by severe pain on one or both sides of the head and are often accompanied by hypersensitivity to light, hypersensitivity to sound and nausea. 偏头痛通常是重度疼痛的特点是对一个或双方的头部,并往往伴随着过敏轻,过敏健全和恶心。
Migraines have been linked to seizures in recent studies. 在最近的研究中偏头疼可能引起突发性疾病。
There are drugs available that can reduce the frequency and severity of your migraines. 有可用的药物可减少频繁和严重程度,您的偏头痛。
Effective herbal remedies exist for headaches and migraines. 有有效医治头痛和偏头痛的草药治疗方法。
For many years Magnetic Therapy was recommended in medical text books for convulsions, migraines, insomnia, fatigue, arthritis or any pain. 多年来,磁疗被推荐为医学教科书抽搐,偏头痛,失眠,疲劳,关节炎或任何痛苦。
Not all the foods on this list will cause migraines in all sufferers, and some people have no food sensitivities. 不是所有在本清单上的食物都会让所有的偏头痛患者发病,而且有些人是对食物一点都不敏感的。
Migraines during pregnancy are strongly linked to vascular diseases, such as stroke and heart disease, according to research. 妊娠期间发生的偏头痛与血管疾病密切相关,诸如,休克和心脏疾病。
Could sealing a common hole in the heart fight strokes and migraines? 封闭心脏的上常见缺口能对抗中风和偏头痛吗?
This item is highly considered as perfect for stress, migraines, and other unpleasant feelings. 这个项目是非常完美视为对胁迫、丁香、等不愉快的心情。
The most important role food plays in migraines is as a trigger. 食物在偏头痛中的最大作用就像一个触发器。
The study also found a link between migraines and the age of the mother. 研究同样发现偏头痛和母亲的年龄密切相关。