VERB 妨碍;阻碍 To militate against something means to make it less possible or likely. To militate against someone means to prevent them from achieving something.
Her background militates against her... 她的背景对她不利。
We can never promise to sail anywhere in particular, because the weather might militate against it. 天有不测风云,所以我们永远都无法保证会航行到哪个地方。
We can never promise to sail anywhere in particular, because the weather might militate against it. 天有不测风云,所以我们永远都无法保证会航行到哪个地方。
The Burmese concept of peace can be explained as the happiness arising from the cessation of factors that militate against the harmonious and the wholesome. 缅甸人民心目中的和平,可以解释为妨碍和谐和健全的因素不复存在而产生的幸福感。
This is likely to militate against the productive investment the eurozone needs. 这可能影响欧元区所需的生产性投资。
Operating companies in line with this belief not only leads to misbehaviour but may also militate against their true social aim, which is to generate greater prosperity. 按照这种理念经营公司不仅会导致不当行为,而且还会妨碍它们实现真正的社会目标,即创造更大的繁荣。
These characteristics militate against their cherishing two vital elements of any worthy sportsman or woman: team spirit and fair play. 这令他们无法具备任何优秀运动员都必不可少的两项品质:团队精神和公平竞争精神。
Such conditionality is perfectly understandable. But it must militate against the goals of the new programme. 这种条件性完全可以理解,却必然会妨碍新计划实现目标。
The missile-shield programme, whatever its merits, must not militate against efforts to improve security against other kinds of threat. 这项导弹防御计划,无论多有价值,一定不能妨碍为提高安全性、防范其他威胁所作出的努力。
Although the absence of obvious imbalances or financial strains does not eliminate the risk of recession in America, it does militate against a long, deep downturn. 尽管缺少明显的经济不平衡和资金紧张的迹象,这也并不能消除美国会爆发经济衰退的风险,但是,这的确会对防止美国进入持久的大幅度的经济下滑产生影响。
This would certainly militate against good bonding between the resin matrix and the glass. 这当然会影响树脂基体与玻璃间的良好粘结。
Yet the alarming pictures on news bulletins and front pages are likely to militate against that cool-headed response. 然而,新闻快报与报纸头版上触目惊心的图片,可能会妨碍政府做出冷静的回应。
Leg bones are flat rather than round, and strong, but not so heavy or coarse as to militate against the dog's natural agility. 腿骨平而不圆,结实,但不过分沉重,或粗糙,而影响了它天生的敏捷。
If the franchise-value argument is correct that ought, at least, to yield stability. What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure. 如果特许权价值的论点是正确的,并且至少能够产生稳定,那个更大的银行能够多样化他们的收入,这可以更进一步抑制破产。
Facts militate against this opinion. 事实不能说明这个论点。
Family tensions can militate against learning. 家庭关系紧张会妨碍学习。
They exhibit many cultural and economic factors that militate against criminal behaviour, not just in their own enclaves but in surrounding communities as well. 他们所展示出的诸多文化因素和经济因素,不仅能够在他们自己的聚居区、而且也能够在周边社区防止犯罪行为。
Defensive instincts militate against free and easy exchange of ideas. 自我保护的本能对思想的自由顺畅交流产生不利影响。
Two factors may well militate against these benefits. 有两个因素会妨碍这种有益性的产业。
Rather than building a consensus against torture, which is the real prize, prosecutions might militate against it. 起诉也许不会建立起反对酷刑的共识这才是真正值得努力的方向而是会产生不利影响。
Among rich nations, domestic politics militate against trade liberalisation. 在富裕国家中,国内政治妨碍了贸易自由化。
The message is this: welcome the outstanding science, ensure good regulation in plenty of time and question an international intellectual property regime that can, disastrously, militate against fair access to the fruits of science. 关键在于:我们应欢迎杰出的科学研究;确保在大部分时间里实行完善的监管;对可能严重妨碍公平获得科学成果的国际知识产权机制敢于质疑。
But this should not militate against using models as a central part of financial decision-making so much as sharpen our focus on just what assumptions our models make, and how those assumptions can and will fail. 但这不应当阻碍我们使用模型为金融决策出谋划策。我们只是应当进一步关注:我们的模型提出什么样的假设?这些假设在什么情况下会不成立?
Paradox is named owing to the contradictory of expression, but it does not militate against understanding. 矛盾表达因表达存在矛盾而得名,但它不妨碍理解。
The existing farmland environment militate against efficient continued operation of the ecosystem, which is badly in need of renovation. 长沙市现存农田环境不利于农田生态系统高效持续运行,已到了必须整治的程度。
防止,阻碍(某事的发生或存在) to prevent sth; to make it difficult for sth to happen or exist
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