But the circumstance was sufficient to lead him to select Tess in preference to the other pretty milkmaids when he wished to contemplate contiguous womankind. 但是这情形已经足以使他在希望观察身边这些女性时,选择苔丝而宁愿放弃别的漂亮女孩子了。
She went out towards the mead, joining the other milkmaids with a bound, as if trying to make the open air drive away her sad constraint. 她出了门,向草场走去,一步就跨进了挤奶女工的队伍中,仿佛要利用户外的新鲜空气,来赶走心中的不快。
It was a large room over the milk-house, some thirty feet long; the sleeping-cots of the other three indoor milkmaids being in the same apartment. 寝室是牛奶房上方的一个大房间,大约有三十英尺长;另外三个在奶牛场睡觉的女工的床铺也在同一个寝室里。
In the interval which elapsed before the calves were sold there was, of course, little milking to be done, but as soon as the calf had been taken away the milkmaids would have to set to work as usual. 在奶牛被卖掉的这一段时间里,自然没有什么牛奶可挤,但是小牛一旦被卖掉以后,挤奶姑娘们就又要像往常一样工作了。
The conversation at the table mixed in with his phantasmal orchestra till he thought: 'What a fluty voice one of those milkmaids has! 桌子上的谈话混合在他幻想中的管弦乐曲里,他心里想:在这些挤奶女工中间,有一个姑娘的声音多么清脆悦耳呀!
Meanwhile many of the milkmaids had said to one another of the new-comer, 'How pretty she is! 就在此时,许多挤牛奶的女工们已经开始互相谈论起她这个新来的人,她多么漂亮呀!
The flies in the kitchen were lazy, teasing, and familiar, crawling about in unwonted places, on the floor, into drawers, and over the backs of the milkmaids 'hands. 厨房里的蚊蝇懒洋洋的,一点儿也不伯人,在没有人的地方爬来爬去,比如地板上、柜子上以及挤奶女工的手背上。