The skyline of domes and minarets was imprinted on my memory 天空中穹顶与尖塔的轮廓深深刻在了我的记忆中。
And by its shape she saw clearly that it was a shadow of towers and pinnacles, minarets and domes. 看形状她才明白那原来是高塔、尖塔、叫拜楼和圆顶的影子。
The pagoda, whose minarets loomed above the trees in the deepening dusk, Stood a hundred steps away. 庇拉吉庙离火葬坛约一百步,庙的塔尖透过树梢,耸立在阴暗的上空。
Four thin white towers, or minarets, rise from the corners of the terrace. 台面的角落耸立着四个白色的细塔,也叫宣礼塔。
The supremely elegant Sultanahmet Mosque is the only Mosque with six minarets in the world. 极度优雅的苏丹阿赫迈特清真寺是世界上唯一一座有6座塔的清真寺。
The number of minarets on a mosque indicates whether it is Shiite and Sunni. We cook for small parties and weddings and the stuff like that. 清真寺宣礼塔的数量代表,它是什叶派或逊尼派。为派对、婚礼等场合提供餐饮服务。
JiaDan also wrote about tall lighthouse minarets in the Persian Gulf, which were confirmed a century later by Ali al-Masudi and al-Muqaddasi. 贾妲嗯还写高灯塔尖塔在波斯湾,这是确认一个世纪以后的东阿里Masudi和Al-Muqaddasi。
Dali's Hui presence is obvious from the many Hui restaurants in town and the tall minarets and green domes of the Arabian-style mosque on Boal Lu. 大理的回族餐馆是很明显的,阿拉伯风格的尖塔和绿色圆屋顶的清真寺在保爱路。
They are lined with pleasure domes, octagonal kiosks, maharajahs'palaces and Ottoman minarets, their lattice and lacework done in iron instead of shining marble. 它们总是与漂亮的圆顶、八角亭、印度王公的宫殿、奥斯曼式的尖塔相伴,它们交叉的梁柱以及装饰的花边用的是铁而不是光亮的大理石。
Muslims in many parts of Switzerland have invited the public into mosques-three weeks before a vote on whether to ban the construction of minarets. 瑞士的穆斯林邀请公众进入清真寺参观&还有三周将投票决定是否禁止宣礼塔的建设。
Such construction is characterized by the towering minarets, massive stonewalls, narrow windows, stained glass, dark inside, gloomy tunnel and even the morgue in the building. 这类建筑的突出特点是高耸的尖塔,厚重的石壁,狭窄的窗户,染色的玻璃,幽暗的内部,阴森的地道甚至还有藏尸所等。